Monday, February 17, 2003

Tonight was the 300th, er 302nd episode of the Simpsons. I must say that this show has been fantastic over the years. 14 years of it and still a few more for sure...At times, I question the writing but I definitely think that this most recent year has been an improvemnt over the past couple. Attached is a really good article about the Simpsons from The Toronto Star tonight...take a look.

This weekend was really good. Had a good V-day...dinner and a movie with a friend. Yesterday was a lot of fun as well - went indoor rock climbing. I was a lot better this time than I remember being last time so I'm happy about that. I really wanna go again now though. I will only get better as I get into better shape as well. Speaking of that...last week - I went to the gym 3 times and had a Volleyball game on Thursday night so I think I did pretty well. This week will be more of the same starting with the gym tomorrow after work. I've been going to these aerobics classes after work everyday and they are a great workout...doing things like pilates, kickboxing, step class, and other really good cardio and weight training.

So I think that I've made some strides in the Digital Camera search...take a look at these two and let me know what you think. If you have any suggestions on other ones that are similar to these guys, I'd love to hear them...

Canon Powershot S230 - Digital Elph
Canon Powershot S30

If you have any suggestions...just send me a quick
message and let me know. I'd really appreciate it.
Also - if you know how to get candle wax out of carpet, please let me know that as well.

Good night.

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