Sunday, August 17, 2003

Funny story happened last Thursday night that I forgot to tell ya'll about. I was driving back home after meeting Kris and Tchao for dinner. We had awesome sushi at Sushi Bistro (thanks again for dinner Tchao). Afterwards, I dropped Kris at Union station and then made my way to the Gardiner and eventually onto the DVP. I was driving along and just passed Bloor when I was passing a curve and noticed something near the right lane shoulder. It was someone pushing a motorcycle, wearing a red and black leather jacket. As I passed him, I realized that it was Tchao. Instantly - I was thinking..."What happened to him? how can I check to see if he's okay?" I then took the next exit (Don Mills) and immediately called him on my cell phone. He picked up and we chatted and I realized that he had run out of gas. I found a random gas station about 10 minutes later and went inside. They were actually selling those red plastic gas holders so I got one and filled it up. Called Tchao and told him I was on my way... I then got back on the DVP and drove south to Bloor so I could turnaround and come back to where he was. I eventually got there and found that he was speaking to some other guy who had pulled over to see if he needed help. Turned out that guy was a biker as well (but driving his jeep at the time). It's cool cause bikers have this unwritten code of safety and commeraderie. He left and then Tchao and I filled up his tank. It was crazy to see how fast the cars zoom by when you're on the shoulder. The trucks are really freaky. All in all, it was an interesting end to a very fun evening.

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