Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Greetings Earthlings. I am going to look at Mars tonight. Are you? Before I get started with news...a few shoutouts:

Amisha - welcome back buddy. We've missed ya and it'll be great to start hanging out again. Congrats on the must feel good.
Blair - it was good to see ya at the Jays game buddy. Just saw your site and will definitely keep up with your goings ons... You're right man - it's weird to think that there are people who you see once every few months (or less often for that matter) but cause of blogs, they know everything about you.
Craig - what happened to ya buddy? You were going to come to my bbq and I didn't see ya. Hope all is well. We still gotta do dinner and/or a movie sometime soon.
Karen - long time no talk as well buddy. I've been keeping up with your life for the past while and it's interesting to hear your thoughts about msft and company culture, people's attitudes etc. I get the same feelings at the General quite often and just wonder how I am fitting into the big picture - and more importantly, if it's a good fit. I'm looking forward to seeing you the next time you're in town.
Ingrid - hope all is better now that you've had this epiphany. I think that we are all struggling to really understand WHAT is most important to us. Once we figure that out, a lot of things will start coming together.
Etch - lets lime this weekend. Kris is thinking of having another evening with us over and maybe we can hit J.P's at some point. I was also thinking that I would love to go on a weekend road trip sometime soon. Perhaps Ottawa, Quebec City or Montreal? Let me know what you think.

My neighbour (Mrs. Mac) moved away today. She has been our neighbour for about the last 15 - 20 years. Her husband passed away in March, 2000 and she's stayed here this long since. It just got time for her to move though because most of her family (sisters, daughter, son, etc) are out west in the Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo area. It was hard to see her leave today. Such a wonderful lady - very caring. My parents were really fond of her and I know that she really liked our family - always telling us how wonderful we are and how helpful we are.

It's really interesting to see how different two relationships can be. On one hand you have Mrs. Mac - this wonderful neighbour who is a beautiful, thoughtful person. It's perfectly juxtaposed with our idiot neighbours on the other sides - completely thoughtLESS, stupid and ill-tempered. We know everything going on in Mrs. Mac's life and virtually know nothing with the other fools. We even share a wall with them. I just think it's interesting to see how people's lives can be so private and public. You only open up to people you care about and that is totally evident in the relationships here in Scarborough on my street...

Last weekend, I was at a company off-site at the Talisman resort in northern Ontario (close to Collingwood). We had a good time from Saturday evening to Tuesday afternoon. There were a lot of productive business meetings and tonnes of chances for team building. On Sunday night, we had a team karaoke contest. My team won and we each got MP3 players. I go the RCA Lyra. Cool, eh?

Speaking of technology stuff...I am thinking about this digital camera - The Canon EX-Z3. What do you think?

My losing weight regime hasn't been successful over the past 2 weeks. I've felt my self getting fatter rather than skinnier so I am not happy at all. It's the result of too much snacking, not enough working out and poor eating habits. Gotta change back to how I was in May, June and the beginning of July. That was much better and my size was going in the correct direction. All it takes a little determination and a whole lot of work ethic.
I'll get back on that horse very quickly.

Long weekend...just aroud the corner. SWEET!!!

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