Friday, August 22, 2003

It's 12:57 am and I just got home from downtown. I left the bar over an hour ago so why did it take me so long to get home you ask? Well let me tell you. Tonight in Toronto, there was this crazy rain storm with so much thunder and lightning. It actually put the power out in several areas of town (ironically, exactly a week has passed since the giant blackout of 2003). But I digress...

I was walking from the bar (Wayne Gretzky's) to my car that was parked underground at 99 Harbour Square (the condo on Queen's Quay right at the foot of York). As I was walking, I kept seeing these crazy bursts of lightning in the southern sky but often, they would hide behind the buildings. So, before I walked to my car - I continued to walk along the boardwalk until I passed the condo and had a completely unobstructed view of the entire lake, Toronto islands and the sky.

It was complete magic. Words cannot describe what I saw. Every second, there was a lightning strike and every other second, the sky was completely illuminated. Some of the strikes would last for up to 3 or 4 seconds as well. I totally wished I had a camera but alas, the pictures will have to stay in my memory forever. There were these 3 South American guys there with a video camera but it turns out that it was only an 8mm. I asked them if it was digital cause I was going to ask them if they could send me some images and .avi's but since it wasn't, that plan fell through. I also met this couple who live in 77 Harbour Square. They are probably in their late 40's. Both are self-employed and completely love it. However, they both said that the job I have now is an excellent starting point...especially cause it's Sales. Pretty much everyone left and I was sitting there alone watching the lightning after that. It was so calming cause the water was so peaceful. There were no noises (especially of traffic), the weather was fantastic (it wasn't raining and it wasn't cold or hot). What a truly amazing spectical.

Berfore I go to bed...quick thanks go out to Jimmy Sparks for the Jays tickets this evening. Dude - it was awesome to see you and all your peeps at Skydome tonight. Thanks again for organizing this. See you again soon...

I played beach volleyball tonight at Ashbridge's Bay and I have sand ALL OVER my body right now. It's too late to take a shower so I guess I'll do it tomorrow morning. I just caught a listen of it...GUESS WHO IS PLAYING THEIR F*CK$NG loud music right now. It has been quite quiet of late - what the heck happened???

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