Saturday, August 30, 2003

It's Friday night. It's 4:11 am. So, it's actually Saturday morning. Why am I up you ask? Well, I just got home and I'm going to bed now. Scary thing though is that I've been awake for almost 22 hours cause I got up at 6:00 am on Friday morning. It's almost 6:00 am on Saturday morning so that ain't cool. What is cool though is that this is a long weekend AND I am going to sleep-in tomorrow for as long as I want. I am still sick and trying to get over my cough and stuffy nose. It is getting better but there are definitely still sniffles and the odd prescription.

Tonight, I went to my friend Sonali's going away dinner in Oshawa at Red Lobster. I "charted my own course" and picked some good dishes to make it an eventful dinner. That was the first time I met her close bddies (There were 4 of them). All were very cool and a lot of fun. I'm sure I'll see them again. After, I met up with JLO and Rachel and the gang to go bowling for JLO's b-day. Before I go any further...I have a confession to make. I SUCK AT BOWLING!!! My first game today was an 87 and my second game was a 67. I didn't even come close to breaking 100!!! I didn't even get 1 strike!!! What the fugg is going on? I remember the days at Club 300 when I used to be into bowling (as into bowling as you can be anyway) and I was scoring in the 150's or 160's. Man, my skillz have diminished. After, I went to Rachel's place and chilled at her place for a while. We had an amazing conversation about life, relationships, work and family. It was totally grea to catch up with her. At the end we were talking about "effortless friendships". That's exactly what her and I share too because we don't spend that much time together in any given month but her and I seem to have this ability to just continue where we left off the last time. Speaking of great conversations...Thursday night - I went back to sushi bistro with Etch and Kris. We brainstormed ideas again and talked a lot about weight lifting and cardio. I am back on the horse now!!! Let's see how long this lasts...

Today I was at the office from 7:45 am to 7:45 pm. What the heck was I doing there so late on the Long Weekend Friday??? My answer is that so much customer crap came through so while I had the time, I considered trying to answer/set it up as much as I can. That weekend is now clear and I can chill out like you're supposed to in the rest of the world on a long weekend.

Today is my brother's 30th birthday (on the 30th of August). Hope he has a good time with his posse this weekend...he is having some peeps out to a club in Notting Hill called the Gate. And he had a huge dinner party at his place last night.

Good night all...time for bed. (I'VE BEEN UP TOO LONG)

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