Tuesday, September 02, 2003

the long weekend is over. it's back to work tomorrow. man, i really love long weekends. it's so nice to have more time to just chill out. and that is exactly what this weekend was about. i hung out with family and friends and had a lot of time to just rest. i am off to milwaukee for work tomorrow night. will be there till the end of the week for some training. it'll be nice to head there after a while and re-connect with my buddies down there. it'll be nice to see everyone after so long. also, the training course i am taking called "Pyramid Power Selling Skills" should be interesting. one of the pre-work assignments is to go to 3 car dealerships and pretend to buy a car and observe the sales people at work to see what they do effectively and what they don't do so well. i'm almost done that assignment...but unfortunately the dealerships were closed today cause of the holiday.

i gotta write more about this weekend some time but here is the brief sinopsis:
- j.p.'s party on saturday night in brampton was wicked!!! over 120 people. crazy big industrial sized beer/pop fridge in the garage, 5 grills cooking all night
- amisha's graduation party was a lot of fun too - amazing food and fun times hanging with the peeps
- cristine's "white-out" party was great except i was the moron and wasn't careful so when there was a big group in the kitchen, i accidentally spilled red wine on my shirt and pants. i washed them all today and it all seems to have gotten out which is good
- today, my niece and her family came so it was great to chill with them. she was so excited because tomorrow is her first day of Grade 1. wow - that seems like such a long time ago. it would be so cool to be going to Grade 1 tomorrow... she was also excited because her first tooth is loose. it's one of the small ones in the front on the bottom row...
- tonight i had dinner with kb - we went to lin garden (indian chinese food) in scarborough - mmmmm, so yummy!!!

Gotta get to bed now. Have a good week

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