Monday, September 22, 2003

It's been quite a week and weekend. Very action packed and very eventful. To start, let's talk about the week. I got my first 3 sales for work the week before (so that was quite exciting news). So all of last week was spent trying to make sure all the paperwork is in order (which it is for the most part) but there are always little things to consider right at the last minute. I did a lot of driving last week for work too - almost 1000 km's as a matter of fact. i went all around Southwestern Ontario - they were quite long days. I thought my car was starting to smell a little (not that bad or anything) but just enough to make me think of getting an air freshener. I keep meaning to go to Pacific Mall and pick up one of the cool dash board air fresheners but I keep being lazy about it. So, I bought of those $1.29 ones that you hang from your rear view mirror. Man, that was STRONG and it smelled not so good at all. In fact, it was quite irritating to my throat and it felt like it was taking over so I quickly tossed that out (after less than 24 hours).

I lifted weights at the gym for the first time in a couple months on Wednesday. It was really good but two days later I was SO SORE. It's Sunday now and i feel a lot better but I just have to make sure that I stick to my routine nice and solidly. This whole "shedding some pounds thing" is working...slowly. (very slowly).

On Friday - Hurricane Isabelle was supposed to hit us and wreak havoc on all parties involved. It was quite windy at times and I did get quite wet running from my car to the office but overall, it wasn't anything that crazy and I can't understand why it was blown so much out of proportion. I ended up going to Waterloo on Friday night with Etch, Sparks, C-Dawg and G. We had a blast, starting with a bbq and then went to a wine and cheese, a bar called Starlight and finally to Revolution (going in there was so old skool) - that was one of our old stomping grounds. Then again, I'll definitely think that the next time I'm in Fed Hall. That night was full of assorted intoxicants and it made for fun times and several funny memorable times. The classic was Etch breaking out into song (fully melodic, no less) as he was singing the song from that movie Old Skool. On Saturday after brunch at Angie's - we played some frisbee and football on the lawn on campus - it was such a beautiful day...totally the thing to do.

Man, the campus has gotten quite better of late with those new buildings (Environmental studies and Co-op). Still no continuity of architecture but having all those facilities must really be cool. Walking around campus (and at the bar the night before) - you can definitely see that the kids are younger this year (with the double cohort and all). That is pretty crazy. I am 8 years older than some of them :o)

Today I played golf at Uplands and I absolutely SUCKED. I am so pissed off cause my game is totally digressing. All those lessons I took are proving to be useless now. I was playing really well in May, June and July. But now in August and September - I've been stinking the joint out. I really hope to turn this around quickly cause I want to be good at this game. Golf is such a concentration game and such a practice oriented game. It's gotta be back to basics for me. Driving range this week fo shizzy. I have to improve. This just ain't right.

I am buying a snowboard and bindings for this season...SOON. Any suggestions on where to look? e-mail me here


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