Tuesday, September 23, 2003

i was at the Jays game tonight and i must say...WHAT THE FUGG WAS THAT? that was such a horrible call man. 6th inning. one run ball game. one on and no outs. is Halliday really going to pitch at someone? as the future Cy Young winner (someone who has hit only 8 batters all season in like 500+ at bats) this was such a horrible call. made completely on emotion and no rational decision at all. even the other umps were a little perplexed. apparently a memo was given to tosca and pinnella before the game warning both sides to avoid pitching at players (since this season's rocky history between the jays and rays). tosca was only notified of this during the meeting at home plate right before the game started so he didn't tell roy cause he didn't want to break his concentration. then the rest is history.

it was pretty cool being there and booing with everyone else. one fan through a foul ball he caught back onto the field a couple innings later and he was tossed two. the ump just called such a horrible game...it wasn't even close. he was umping like a pee wee or A-ball ump. That chump cuzzi is a complete tool and should be fired.

i really hope this doesn't affect his cy young chances. it'll be interesting to see how things come about after this...

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