Monday, September 08, 2003

Reading the blogs of Etch and Sparks is really inspiring. Both of them are such good writers - excellent mix of wit, substance and humour. I know that at one time, I used to write better and of late - I must say that my blogs have been sub-par. You know why it is? I know exactly why it is. I haven't been reading. That is exactly the reason. I haven't read a book in months. In fact, it's been so long that I can't even remember the name of the last book I read. I have been "reading" The Life of Pi for over a month now and I'm only on page 35 or something pitiful like that. What the heck is wrong with me? It's not like I'm watching TV at the expense of reading. That couldn't be further from the truth actually.

So what can I do about this? One thing that I like (that I saw in both of their blogs) was the thought of learning more. James is back in school at UW and Etch is contemplating a few night courses here and there. I would like to do something like that too...especially a course like Film or Geography or Travel or Political Science. We'll see if something like that happens. It's all about baby steps I guess.

Today has been a fantastic day. It started early (woke up at 6:15 am). Left the house to drive to St. Thomas at 7:15 am. Arrived at 9:00 am and had a product demo all day till about 4:00 pm. After, I visited another customer in Ingersoll and found out that I closed my first deal!!! That's right, I got my first sale ever. Kind of cool actually because I know that I worked hard on that one and followed it the whole way through. When I got home, I went for a really good jog (my usual route along Warden, Steeles, Birchmount and Finch. I just measured it on MS Streets and Tips and it's 6.7 km. I did it today in 33 minutes so that I pretty good. I wanna get it under 30 minutes so let's see how long that takes.

Blogs are a way for the blogger to express themselves and provide the bloggee with enjoyment, inspiration (well, not mine) and ideas. That is the main point of all this. I hope that all you that actually read my blog continue to do it and I promise that the literary styles on it will improve.

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