Sunday, September 14, 2003

Twas a great weekend - really action packed and I am SO TIRED as a result. I ended up taking a nap tonight around 5:30 - 6:30. I hope that doesn't make me stay up all night tonight. Actually, I'm yawning so much right now so I should be okay to fall asleep...
Played golf twice (Friday and Sunday) and played tennis on Saturday so it was a pretty active weekend. My golf game has regressed of late. I thought I was hitting well about a month ago but my games this weekend were back to the common inconsistancy that I'm used to. It's so frustrating and I totally wanna get better - guess I have to play more to do that. Ended up at he Bier Market last night for Tai's b-day. I had a good time and there were some funny stories that came out of the evening. Today, hung out at my niece's place in the afternoon and played with her. Her mom is allergic to dairy products and must have had a trace at some point so it was kind of scary cause she was having a really hard time breathing. Eventually, it worked out but it was weird cause we all felt so helpless just standing there trying to help (but not being able to do anything). Is there such thing as an EPPI Pen for dairy allergies or is that just for peanut (and other nut) allergies?

I'm going to Waterloo this weekend...that will be really intersting cause it's been a very long time since I've been there. Look out FED Hall and 16 and 17 year old froshies - I'm coming back to school!!! Speaking of youngun's in, with the double cohort - it must be pretty funny at a lot of universities this semester.

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