Friday, September 12, 2003

On my way to la la land but wanted to pop in and say hello first. Talked to my brother for the first time today in like 3 weeks. It was good to chat and nice to hear what is new in his life. I was also able to fill him in on some cool stuff happening dans mon vie. Life is working out nice these days. I am actually getting more and more into my job (something I didn't think I was going to say just a few months ago). Also, I have amazing friends and hang out with them lots. I am also running again now and going to sign up for a couple 10K's over the next few months so that will motivate me to keep it up. Just gotta watch the diet and I'm all set.

On Tuesday night, I had an excellent dinner with JLo at seven numbers. The food was pretty good but the style and atmostphere were really nice. The story behind the restaurant is that when the restaurant first opened, they didn't have a name but only their provincial license, which consisted of 7 numbers - 1447582. The name around the neighbour just became "seven numbers" and it stuck. Here is a review of the restaurant. It was cool to hang with JLo cause it had been a while since we chatted. And chatted we did...a little bit about everything and a lotta bit about other stuff. Tonight, Kris had a bunch of us over for a bbq after work and we ate like kings. After we played some old skool card drinking games (including cheat which was a real blast from the past). It was a fun evening and total jokes all night long.

Now to something more serious before I go to bed. Tomorrow is approximately the 2 month anniversary of my uncle's death. They are having a charity golf tournament in his honour tomorrow and I'll be playing around 2:00 pm. It will be quite emotional to play tomorrow. I'm looking forward to an excellent round with Kama kaka since it's been a while since I last played a round with him.

Good night all,

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