Friday, August 08, 2003

last friday afternoon turned into this friday after. sorry for the week long delay. i am just finishing my packing and getting ready to spend my last day here in london. my flight home is at 9:15 tonight. like you always say at the end of a vacation...i can't believe it wen by that fast! i must say though that while it was going on, it didn't feel fast at all. each day was great...i didn't have any type of schedule or clock to go on. i just took each day as it came and it was perfect that.

the highlight of the trip is definitely all the new people i've met. it never ceases to amaze my how great people are and how many awesome people there are in this world. i know i have the best group of friends at home in toronto and always think how cool it would be to come to these great cities like london with all of them. that would be a party! the new people in my circle of friends are now from all over as well which is really cool...aussies, kiwis, japanese, malaysian, italian, name it.

it was nice to spend time with my bro. we did some bonding. unfortunately though - our schedules didn't totally mesh and we didn't see as much of each other as i would have liked.

gotta get back to packing now but i'll give a full account of highlights when i get home. have a wonderful day...

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