Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Hey everyone. I must say that I had one of the best birthdays ever yesterday. The day started and ended with KB...thank you for that. At work - some people knew it was my birthday so I got the odd greeting. At lunch, 9 of us went out to my favourite Indian restaurant in the city called Bombay Bhel and had a fantastic Indian lunch. Came back to my desk after and spent the afternoon digesting my meal while "working". Then, it was home around 5:30 to see some old family friends - the Natu's - that are now living in Venezuela. It was cool to catch up with them and they both (Vinay mama and Kiran mami) look fantastic. They left and then I went for a run. I went for about a 40 minute jog (my first in about 5 days since London). I got back, showered and got ready cause my awesome niece, Ankita, and her mom were coming over for dinner. I absolutely love that girl. She is so smart. So cute. So funny. So well-behaved. It's gonna be really tough when they move from Toronto next year. I definitely don't want to see her leave. We played Tic Tac Toe and Trouble last night which was great. She almost beat me actually. Overall, I'd say it was a pretty chill day. Hung out with the peeps I wanted to see as I will see many more this weekend. I definitely wanted to spend some time with the 'rents as well since I've been away for the past 2 weeks on vacation.

Tonight, after dragonboat practice...I am going to meet up with Kris and Tchao for some sushi. Should be good...

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