Wednesday, November 05, 2003

25 lbs of weight on each of our backs
21 km of hiking on day 1
16 km of hiking on day 2
8 trekking poles
4 sleeping bags
2 tents
1 map

What does that equal?

It's a weekend in Algonquin of course. I've been home for about 24 hours and had some time for my body to recuperate (sp?) after the camping adventure in Algonquin this weekend. I went on Sunday morning with Tchao, Tai and his brother Win. We had a really great time although it was quite grueling. I've never camped before (well, I've car-camped...but that just ain't the same as real hardcore camping). We were cooking our own food (okay, Tai and Win did), we set up our tents (okay, Tai and Win did), we filtered water (okay, Tai did), we provided gear (okay, Win did). So really...what the fugg did me and Tchao do? Methinks we were quite a burden for the most part. But I think they didn't totally mind so that was good.

This whole trekking thing is really cool and something I could do more often. I just don't know how often I could do it. Possibly once or twice a year but I can't see myself going out and buying all the gear. I am quite full though cause we defintely had quite a bit to eat throughout the trip. Lots of constant snacking and drinking tonnes of water for energy.

Thanks go out to Win and Tai for allowing us to come along on the trip. It was definitely a fantastic experience. I can't wait to see how all the pictures turned out...

I'll keep y'all posted. I am still quite tired from the trip so I should make my way to bed now... Good night!

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