Sunday, November 30, 2003

I haven't blogged since my crime-related rant from the other night. I haven't read that blog since either so I'm not totally sure if it made sense or not. In any case...I think there was some merit in my words and probably a bit "too much" at other times. Oh well, what's said is said...and what's done is done.

Sparks - you like the deal buddy? I am worried about Rose. I keep reading that he is a beeyatch in the clubhouse and a big time whiner. He ran himself out of Denver and Indiana (and it looks like the same thing happened in Chi-town). Hopefully playing with Vince may change that. Marshall is a solid pick up...not sure how many points he'll put up but it should be good. I think losing JYD is bigger than it seems. Offensively, he's as good as AG. But what he really brings to the team and the court is heart. No one matches the heart and desire that guy brings night in and night out. I think they are definitely going to miss that. We'll have to wait and see how the team chemistry changes. Also, the team is very small now. Rumour has is that another deal will come soon for a big man. The MoPete for Othella Harrington deal is still being discussed so let's see if that happens. I wish that we could have thrown MoPete in the Bulls deal instead of JYD. Needless to say, this team needed a shake up of some magnitude. Glen Grunwald pulled the trigger on a deal that will make or break his future with the Raptors let's see what happens. One last thing that alarms me is that Kevin O'Neil who has a really close friend in the Chicago media apparently told his friend to break the trade to the media when he caught word of it last Friday because he wanted no part of Rose on his roster after the deal. I guess we'll never know if that rumour is true...

Went shopping with Etch today at Scarborough Town Centre. I got some stuff. Shoes, pants, lip balm. Didn't get my snowboard or digicam yet though. I did find out some great info though in my research. Check out the early days of snowboarding......good thing they changed the name, eh? I need a board and bindings. I am trying to find a good deal and some good selection. Went to Sportcheck today and there was one K2 Satellite board that was okay but just that. It didn't really make much of an impression on me and the guy helping me was pretty useless too. In terms of a DigiCam - I want the Canon Powershot SD100 so now I've just gotta find the best price. It's retailing for $450 right now but online, I've seen it for as low as $264 USD. I am also considering e-Bay but I've never done it before. I am just a little skeptical of that whole process still. I haven't registered yet but I am leaning towards trying it out. I gotta figure out who to become one of those stealth bidders that comes in at the last second and gets the win.

Simpsons tonight (both episodes) were pretty funny and last week - when they went to London and when Homer's licence got suspended were both really funny too. Man, there were some great lines. I really lost it when they started dancing to the Ghostbusters theme song tonight. I'm not sure why I lost it but I was howling. I was also watching this other show for a little while tonight called Jamie's Kitchen and that was quite good. I think that the premise of the show is that Jamie Oliver (The Naked Chef) has recruited 15 random kids (with no cooking experience) and he's training them to become chefs... Some of them (most of them) suck and it's taking them quite a while. It's really interesting to see everything that goes into starting a restaurant.

Time to bounce. Gotta be in Burlington tomorrow morning for 8:00 am.
Happy December folks...

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