Sunday, November 09, 2003

Hard to believe that it's Sunday afternoon. These weekends just fly by. The week as well was quite quick (guess moreso for me cause it was a short work week since I was camping on Monday). This week was nice - met some cool new people so that was nice. Last night, I went to a dinner party at G's gf's place with Kdot and his gf. It was a nice evening. I made quesadillas that turned out quite well. Don't think I've ever marinated chicken as well as I did last night. We played ping pong and the Game of Life last night so that was a lot of fun. Man, I used to be all right at ping pong but I was getting beat last night. I gotta step up my game the next time we play. I want a rematch!!! Watched Matrix Revolutions yesterday. It was a pretty good movie and finally the Matrix kinda makes more sense to me. Thanks for explaining everything G. I'm not totally into it like a lot of other people are but it was nice to get things explained and clarified to me last night. There were a lot of scenes with religious connotations as my eyes anyway. I won't say anything more than that though in case you haven't seen it.

Went to the Raptors game on Thursday night vs. the Mavericks. It was dissapointing that Nash wasn't playing. I was thinking abotu it and I think that he is one of my most favourite players in the league. It's a combo of the talent as well as the Canadian heritage. I would love to see him in a Raptors jersey...just can't see that happening.

Here is my assessment of the Raptors so far...Chris Bosh will be an exciting young player. He's got great court sense and should be a nice asset to the team. At point, this is where we need some help cause Alvin just isn't 100% right now. Vince is playing really well...especially on D so that is impressive. Overall though, we just don't have enough offense. We need that consistent second option after Vince.

Went to Nikhil's housewarming on Friday night. Just a chill night, watched a Hindi movie that was a copy of Seven but still quite a good movie. Same concept but a different way of portraying it. It's always chill to hang with Nikhil cause all of his friends are so talented and love the music that they make. They just sit around freestyling and exchanging beats so it's awesome to just chill with them.

Off to play some rollar hockey now. Have a great Sunday - it's beautiful outside...

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