Saturday, November 01, 2003

I got back from Milwuakee this afternoon. Was down there for the past few days for my graduation ceremony (not the whole pomp and circumstance or cap and gown). Just a quick powerpoint about the last 15 months, listening to my other 13 classmates do the same thing, eating a crappy lunch and then receiving my certificate. The night was quite an event. We had a stretch SUV (an Explorer I think) and went around town to dinner and then a bunch of bars - Turners, Cush, Taylors, Rain and Eve. It was quite an evening and definitely had a very "American" feel to it. I think it was the stretch Explorer that did that. Cause it was Halloween, we were planning on dressing up but didn't end up doing it which was kinda unfortunate. It would have been fun to go into those bars all decked out like lots of the other people...

As I'm writing this blog, I am realizing that it sucks quite a lot. There is no flow. No writing talent. I think I'll stop.

But before I do, one beef I have. I think I've blogged about this before but I'm not 100% sure. At Pearson International Airport (in Toronto), why don't they have a separate line for Canadian citizens at custom/immigration when you enter the country? For the most part, most Canadian citizens would walk right through quite quickly. The visitors (on Visas, etc) ccan sort through all their paperwork in the other lines. It's just so annoying to wait for people to sort through all their paperwork. This would definitely make life so much easier. The cost is negligent because the infrastructure is already in place. I guess it may cause schedules of the customs officers to change slightly but not by a huge amount. And think of the headaches it would save? Other cities like London and places in Asia do this? Why can't we???

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