Sunday, November 23, 2003

It's Sunday night. Blogging night if you will. Lots to write about and lots to catch up on. Hopefully I can remember it all. Well, for starters. I got the company car on the weekend. Say hello to a nice new 2004 Ford Escape. It's silver, has quite a lot of power (V6) and should be fun to drive. I just don't like the idea that I am now an SUV guy. That is a little disheartening actually. I really liked my Protege and will miss driving it around all the time. It was such a fun car and the 13 months we were together were fantastic. Now, she's on to my mom...who I know will be very happy. The Escape is okay so far. Driven it for the past couple of days and I'm getting used to it. One funny thing is that when it was delivered to me on Friday, I took it for a spin with my dad and we discovered that the turning signals weren't working. That was annoying. I took it to the dealer on Saturday and was there FOR ALMOST 3 hours. Man, that was a waste of a Saturday afternoon. At least the problem got fixed though. Had I known it was going to take that long, I would have asked them to drive me home or at least to the mall or something. In any case, I talked on the phone for a bit, had lunch (on them) and watched the Raptors game in the lounge.

This weekend, I caught up with a good friend of mine who I haven't seen in a LONG time. She's in med school at Western and is now doing a rotation in Tobermory (sp?) which is out by Owen Sound. It was so good to catch up with you Natalie and I can't wait to see ya the next time you're in Toronto. Keep practicing those noises though! I have a challenge for ya...

I went to a really good restaurant on Friday night. It's called the Irie Food Joint. It is Jamaican food like roti, jerk chicken, curry, etc. The food was really good. I had this peppered shrimp. It was the best tasting shrip I've ever had. After, we went to a place called Habitat which was really neat. It had a cool vibe and the dj was spinning some groovy tunes. All of this was for my buddy Ravo. He arrived from Chicago/St Louis on Friday night and a bunch of the Udub posse hadn't seen him in a while so we all wanted to get together. Sanj - thanks for was great.

Watched the much antipated and publicized Heritage Classic yesterday. That was quite an event! Kudos to the city of Edmonton and the NHL for putting on a really cool event. Also, my hat goes off to the players who braved the -20 degree weather to play the game. That must have been really hard for them to do...

It's starting to get cold. Santa Clause is in the Shopping Malls. My snow brush is in the back seat (instead of the trunk) and I am sleeping with 3 sheets. Winter is around the corner boys and girls...

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