Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Yesterday was one of the most dissapointing days I've had in a long time. It was supposed to be a wonderful day. An evening filled with a game of basketball followed by a hip hop concert with some great old skool artists.

Let's start with the basketball game. I got stuck on a team with two of the biggest f*cking hogs I've ever played with. The two of them NEVER passed the damn ball. I am no Kevin Garnett, in fact, I'm not even a Yogi Stewart but sh*t man, it's a freaking game! The two of them pissed me right off. Even guys on the other teams were making comments to me. I hope I never get stuck with those guys again. It' just pick up basketball in a crappy community centre one night a week...but it's okay to have fun you idiots!

Now for the concert. After ball, I went back to my buddy Sach's place. I played ball with him and his friends. After dinner, which Sach made, which was very good (we had Salmon), he decided he wasn't going to go to the concert anymore. As a result of him bailing, I was on my own cause Etch was with all of his work friends and they were already at the show. I got to Tonic and there was a huge lineup outside the club. I had f*cking ticket and I still had to wait in line. It was the stupidest system ever. Ticket holders and non-ticket holders all stayed in the same line. What kind of f*cking logic is that? I got in line at around 10:20 pm and I didn't get into the club until after 11:30. I missed over 30 minutes of the concert. The concert was Arrested Development and Grand Master Flash. Arrested Development (the part I saw anyway) was really hype. I caught Mr. Wendel and Everyday People which was great. And they also played Marley's Redemption Song and some cool Hip Hop with a jungle beat. Overall, they were high energy and it was good. Then, almost 60-75 minutes passed by until finally Grand Master Flash came out. During that hour of standing and waiting, the crowd was getting quite restless. They were playing the sh*tiest house/dance music ever (totally not appropriate for a hip hop crowd) and eventually people started booing and chanting "Flash, Flash, Flash, Flash, Flash" It was way too much and just stupid. Flash didn't come on till 1:15 am. We left at 2:30 am cause it was just too late. I didn't get to bed until 3:00 am so as a result, I didn't get any sleep and I was annoyed most of today.

Overall, an annoying and painful day.
What could have been great with simple basketball and simple hip hop turned stupid and frustrating.

Have a good one...

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