Friday, November 14, 2003

The snow has arrived. The snow has arrived. Every day is getting colder and windier. Winter is right around the corner - actually it's pretty much already here. One of these days, we are going to wake up and the city will be dumped on. There will be something like 15 - 20 cm of snow everywhere.

I saw Kill Bill this week. It was a really interesting movie and actually, not as violent as I thought it was going to be. I think I had made it out to be so much more violent based on what everyone told me about. The violence was tastefully done in a way in certain parts because of the way the cinema was shot. The cinematography was really interesting. The story was quite interesting and there was a lot of cool things going on. I will watch the second one when it comes out in February. This weekend, I think I may see Lost in Translation as I've heard it's quite a good movie, especially for those folks (such as myself) that are interested in travelling globally.

On Wednesday night, a bunch of the Phun Popo posse got together for sushi and we had a great time. We went to Sushi Time on Queen Street and had a lot of food. All of which was quite yummy. The tuna was especially good, as was the tempura (but not the tempura drywall). After, we went back to H&Z's place. Man, that is a sweet pad. They live in City Place (the condos right beside Skydome) and they are damn nice. Whenever I see my buddies/peers with their own places, it's quite cool and I totally wanna move out.

On Wednesday, it was made official. My boss sent out my promotion e-mail to the entire company (coast to coast) announcing that I have completed my training and now, I'm an Account Executive (aka Salesman). The job will be interesting. I get a company car shortly too so that will be nice. Then, my mom gets the Protege and we say good bye to the Accord (after 14 fun years). There will definitely be some challenges (Actually lots of challenges) in this new role.

Here's to the weekend!

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