Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Today was the first real snow fall of the year and once again (without fail it seems), the bad drivers were out in full force. It's funny how people just forget how to drive in the winter and automatically go slower once the white stuff appears for the first time. My normal 40 minute drive took about 65 today but I thought it was going to take close to 90 so I wasn't that upset. What did piss me off though was those idiots who are so important that they feel they have to drive on the shoulder to overtake stop and go traffic. I was on the 427 Southbound when I noticed some cars doing this. I was annoyed so I decided to move over so I was blocking the shoulder and thus, no one could pass me. It was great cause I did it just as this fool in a small white Toyota was trying to get past me. I could see him getting upset behind the wheel and cursing but really, what's he gonna say to me? Absolutely nothing cause he knows he's wrong and I called him out on it. It felt good to do that...put that guy in his place (for about 10 minutes anyway)

Raptors game and Leafs game were crazy tonight. The new Raptors played well and it's nice to see less double teams on Vince. With the new scoring presence of Marshall and Rose now...Vince and Alvin will have higher FG% and more good looks at the bucket. Tonight after work I came home and had dinner. Then, I went to the basement and watched the games all night long. I haven't done nothing and watched sports/tv on a weeknight in months. If felt good to just do nothing tonight. And now, I'm yawning like a mofo so it's time to hit the sack.

Chooey...great site - I have to link to it too cause it's funny: Teen Lingo Site.

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