Wednesday, December 31, 2003

New Year's Eve a little early in my house

This morning my dad went out to visit the printer who looks after his magazine and was supposed to go out for lunch with him like they often do around the holidays. The printer had a couple other buddies over and I guess they were just chilling out and having a good time so the 4 of them got into the drink. It was quite amusing cause when my dad got home, he was clearly a little loopy. He seemed to be coherent of everything but was just acting very funny. He dropped his glasses a couple of times. While I was driving with him, he thought his seatbelt wasn't on even though it was. He was giggling and laughing a lot. He is now taking a nap (has been sleeping for a few hours). We've got some company coming over tonight for new years and he has to be in "entertaining" mode... I must say - that was a funny afternoon and something that was totally unexpected.

On an unrelated note - congrats must go out to Nitin and Manju who had a baby girl named Ellora on Boxing Day. I can't wait to head out to Calgary to meet her.

Happy New Years everyone. Stay safe and have fun!

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