Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Two games with this new lineup and two fun-filled wins. This Raptors team is definitely more fun to watch and puts a lot more points on the board. Defence and rebounding is still a concern but it'll come along. Should be an interesting ride and cause the Eastern conference is so crap...they could actually finish quite high in the division. The Leafs are kicking butt right now too. They've won 6 in a row and are 1 point behind 1st overall in the league. Can you believe that?

My buddy T sent me this funny link today...check out the new architecture in London.

Tonight I made dinner for ma and pa. I pan seared Salmon and I also pan seared Tuna. The salmon was marinated in dill, lemon juice, salt and pepper. The tuna was marinated in orange, basil and garlic. I breaded the tuna as well and it tasted quite good although it was losing it's crunchiness by the time I ate it. I also made a mushroom and pepper risotto and grilled veggies. I learned some important lessons tonight with respect to the cooking process. Mistakes I won't make next time - that is for sure. I recently found this recipe for a Malaysian Chicken Curry. Maybe I'll try that this weekend.

Time to fly...

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