Tuesday, December 23, 2003

World - meet Telula
Telula - meet the world.

You might be asking who Telula is and let me tell ya. She is my new snowboard. Sleek and black...carving like nobody's business. She treated me very well this weekend when I was up at Blue Mountain with Etch and all of our high school buddies. It was a fantastic weekend with 16 people staying in a chalet. We had about 15 cm of FRESH powder on Saturday morning which made the whole experience even better.

Had a stealing secret santa and the irony of it all was undeniably hilarious. Then we had the fear factor challenge and YES - I was a bit wimp but dog food, raw pickled pork, sushi with only wasabi, egg nog/feta combo juice and oozing, nasty smelling, gravity defying shrimp guts sauce just weren't gonna do it for me.

Can't wait to get out on the mountain again...

Sunday night - went to K&R's place for a holiday party - Marathi posse style. We had yummy mussels and salmon. The food was GREAT. the company was fantastic and again we had had a secret santa (that's my 4th of the season).

Yesterday, I babysat (not really a baby though so more like kidsat) my niece. It was great to play with her all day (while I was doing work everytime my cell phone rang. We watched Finding Nemo - a great movie. I definitely wanna see it again and catch all the funny "big kid" jokes...cause there are a few.

Karen - Welcome home buddy. It must be weird to be in Toronto after a whole year has passed by. It'll be good to see ya this weekend. Talk to you soon...

Luen - methinks that camels will be hard to find in India buddy...possibly in some parts of the dessert but you might have better luck asking for a stray dog or something. Nice new site by the way.

It's wet out there today. Stay dry and have fun everyone.

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