Monday, June 30, 2003

The weekend at Kevin's place was awesome. It is always so much fun to hang out with your posse and have a great time. And it's cool when you meet new peeps as well so that was fun. today was pretty chill as i worked from home and set up some appointments for later in the week. I finally got a new cell phone!!! It's the < a href="" target="_blank">Samsung A520 - This review actually isn't too hot. I did get upsold on this phone by the guy in the store who claims that reception on the phone is awesome. I'll have to read more reviews and potentially change my decision cause when I'm driving in butt phuck nowhere for my job, I have to get reception in either digital or analoug. I guess you'll have to stay tuned and I'll let you know if I keep the phone... It has a colour display which is kind of cool. I know, I know. I splurged. But, all of those calls I made to Telus over the past few months finally paid off cause in all the bill credits and contract offers that I received - I pretty much got this $400 phone for $50. Can't beat that right? Hopefully not Wrong!

I am playing golf tomorrow morning with G - should be fun. Let's see how my lessons are paying off. Will be interesting to test my game out. I still need to purchase a fairway wood though and a 3-wood or 5-wood cause hitting my driver off every tee just ain't gonna cut it. I caught up with Karen tonight after a long time. It was great chatting with you Karen and I look forward to seeing you again (some time soon). I can't believe it's been a year since we last saw each other in person and since we were in Asia (longer than a year actually).

Tonight, I was watching "Cooking School Stories" and "Open for Business" - two shows on Food TV about people struggling through culinary school and the trials and tribulations of opening a restaurant. Both were really interesting and eye opening. It's funny cause whenever I share with anyone my aspirations of owning my own restaurant and being a chef - instinctively...they say "You know, that is really hard work!" I bet it is super hard but then I think that if it's something you really wanna do and that you are passinoate about - then it doesn't matter how hard it is cause you will just wanna do it well and continually improve yourself. I suppose I could strive towards that and hopefully end up okay. I think that is a reasonable outcome as long as it's something you wanna do and not something you are doing because it makes others happy, or cause it makes ends meet or cause you are lazy. My thinking tells me that you HAVE to be into what YOU DO. Otherwise, there is no sense or need to wake up every morning in order to do THAT thing you are doing. Was all that confusing? I think it probably was but I'm not gonna proofread it to correct it.

Suhas, my cousin/brother is getting his Canadian citizenship tomorrow at Centennial Park in Toronto at 11:00 am. It should be a really cool ceremony and I'm totally looking forward to it. Can't wait to see him take the oath and can't wait to hear the national anthem (it's been a long time since I heard it!)


Sunday, June 29, 2003

Evening folks...I am sitting in my buddy Kevin's kitchen right now here in Ottawa - the Nation's Capital. I'm up here with a bunch of friends and we had an excellent day white water rafting on the Ottawa river. We hit some amazing rapids throughout the day and had some good laughs and adventures. I thought the rapids were going to be more "rapid" though. By that I mean - I thought they would come one after another and there wouldn't be as much downtime to just chill out in the river. But, there definitely was a lot of chillin' time where we could swim in the water, let the current move us and hang...

Interesting fact I just heard among conversations in the kitchen - after cutting garlic, when your hands smell - just go ahead and rub your fingers on the inside of the sink. Apperantly, your hands won't stink after. And Flo - it's AFTER you cut the garlic...not before.

Time to go to bed I think. Night folks...

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Just saw Mike Myers given his star on the Canadian Walk fo Fame. His acceptance speech was absolutely fantastic. He is such an amazing person. What a great role model. During his speach, he said something to the effect of..."you can describe me as an actor, you can describe me as a writer, you can describe me as a comedian but unless you describe me as a Canadian - it is not correct." It'a amazing cause he is such a proud Canadian, proud Torontonian and proud Scarberian. In fact, he even had a street named after him (Mike Myers Blvd) here in Scarborough. Tchao put it wonderfully in a previous blog after Mike was on the Tonight Show when he said that Mike Myers oozes Canada. One last thing - if you can see his acceptance speech from tonight - go and watch it cause it was absolutely hilarious. Two parts in particular were great - the first was when he dropped his awarrd and it broke and the second was how he constantly got on Scotty Bowman's case to help the Leafs win a Stanley Cup. I don't wanna write about anything else tonight cause Mike is so fantastic...he deserves 100% of the spotlight.

Met up with the original Marathi posse tonight. Hung with Kdot, G and Ashvin for the first time as a crew in a LONG time. It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to do it again. One bad thing was that all three of us (G, Ashvin and I) got jacked with parking tickets on Kdot's street. None of us saw the "permit parking only sign" cause the pole right by our car didn't actually have the sign on it). I've never fought a ticket before but I wonder if we fighting parking tickets happens often...

Time for bed. I am Y---zzzzz---awning.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

I haven't been blogging as much lately or reading as many blogs lately. I've gotta get back on the bandwagon...Tchao, Tai, Karen, Kev, Chooey, Sparks, Malloy - ya'll got some good stuff to say - I just gots to keep up and read it. Tonight, went to Rocky Mountain High with Flo, Cris, Tchao and Dan. It was fun to just chill out but now I am tired and have to go to bed. Get to sit through a consultative sales training class with Cris tomorrow - that is going to be so SLOW. By the way, Rocky Mountain High smells nasty. There were various gross odours all over - most notably barf. Not good at all. Had dragonboat practice tonight. It was a pretty easy practice so I didn't get much of a workout at all. I've really gotta get more hard core with my cardio workouts. That fantastic run I did two weeks ago hasn't been duplicated and I've noticed myself getting a bit lazy of late. I still have been pretty goo in terms of watching what I eat though so that's good. This weekend, going to Ottawa with the Udub posse. That should be a lot of fun. We are going White Water Rafting on the Ottawa River on Saturday - I've wanted to do this for so long so I can't wait to finally get a chance. It seems like it will be really challenging so that will be cool. Guess it can't be THAT hardcore though because I'm sure there are a lot of novices out there who don't know how to hold their paddles (not that I'm some genious or anything). Yesterday afternoon, I played baseball with some Waterloo boys. It was a lot of fun to be back out on a baseball diamond cause it's been so long since my days of playing every day for about 10 years. I think I pulled my rotator cuff which kind of sucks cause it feels really aggravated after throwing around that softball yesterday. After ball, Tchao, Kris and I had an amazing bbq with salmon, lamb chops, eggplant, red peppers and mushrooms. Damn, that was a good meal. After dinner we just chilled on the stoop with Aman and it was pure jokes - just causing a ruckus in Kris' simple Mississauga neighbourhood. Then it all changed and went boys in the hood on us. Some little 12 year old kid came up to us on his bike and said something to the effect of "Yo, you guys got any chronic?" We were all so surpised and dumbfounded. Until someone joked: "we're in ph$cking Mississauga you idiot". Overall, it was just so out of the blue and unbelievable.

Changing subjects...I'm still trying to plan my trip to London this summer to visit my brother. Hopefully it works out. I just have to talk to my boss about my vacation schedule and try to book it off sooner rather than later. Also, I am getting my ticket on Aeroplan so availability per day is very sketchy.

If you're an NBA fan - check out this article... Man, if this happened...I would be so happy. Nash in a Raptors jersey would be unbelievable!

Friday, June 20, 2003

Sup folks. Back in the Tdot tonight. Got back around 8:00 cause I caught an earlier flight out of NYC which was nice. I am so tired right now though. This week at the training course was so grueling. Every day started at 8 and we were in classes and working on our case study until about 2 every morning. And then last night, to top it off...I didn't sleep until 5:15 and I got up at 6:00. So, I got 45 minutes in sleep last night. The major presentation that I was preparing for today went amazing. I haven't felt so good about a successful presentation for years. All that practice does pay off I guess...

Off to bed now. Will give you more updates soon. Neighbour just turned up his music loud. What an Ass!!!
I better fall asleep.

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

what's up ladies and gentlemen? sorry it's been a while since my last blog. i am in new york. spent the weekend in manhattan and had a blast. since sunday night, i've been about an hour north of the city at a course for work. so far, the work has been pretty all right but the nights will be late as the days go on. one cool thing is that the food is fantastic and there are these kitchenettes on each floor that have all sorts of food to munch on whenever you want. all sorts of awesome snacks, sandwiches, salads, drinks AND haganndaaz. oh yeah!!!

so, was awesome. absolutely awesome. i was staying in the Portland Square Hotel (kind of like a really crappy old skool dorm room. but like the say in real's all about location location location. that said, we were a block away from times square. so that made for an awesome time. friday night...when i arrived in NYC - i watched the Nets-Spurs game 5 on the big screens in Times Square. that was really cool. watching a game outside just chilling with other ball fans while thousands of people walked by on their way to and out of shows... i must say...NYC street dogs SUCK. they aren't bbq-ed. they are just sitting in a pool of luke warm hot dog water. the guy pulls one out...puts it on an untoasted bun with some condiments and bam, you're done. milwaukee - the same. boston red hots? crap as well. chicago...marginally good. but no one compares to Toronto Street Meat. they are absolutely the best. i definitely don't choose to eat them all the time but i must say that every now and then, the smell of one of those is just can't say no.

i'm pretty tired right now so it's off to bed. so much to say. so little time...
hopefully more tomorrow.

Friday, June 13, 2003

Hello eveyrone...Just wanted to write a quick note (I'll try to write more later). I am off to NYC tonight for a week. Have a training class starting on Monday that should be good. But this weekend before, I am just chilling in Manhattan so I'm really looking forward to that. Have a wonderful weekend...

I wonder...should I tell all the Americans I meet that I'm from Toronto?


Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Blogger...what's wrong with you again?
I thought you corrected yourself...

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

I just logged into blogger and they've changed their editing interface. Looks a lot nicer. Hopefully, it works a lot better too.

Anyway, The 2002-03 NHL Season is over. The New Jersey Devils were crowned the Stanley Cup Champions last night. As I watching the dying minutes and seconds of that game, I kept thinking how cool all the tradition in hockey is. There is no other sport with a trophy like the Stanley Cup. It is by far the best trophy in pro sports. Nothing even comes close (well maybe the CFL Grey Cup) but other than that, the MLB trophy with all those stupid flags SUCKS, the NBA trophy is this dumb gold ball on the edge of a net. The Super Bowl for the NFL ain't too cool either and the NCAA Basketball award is a Plaque. Man that is weak.

Holding the cup with both hands above your head! Now that is cool.
Getting your name engraved on the Cup! That is really awesome.
Getting to keep the cup in your posession for a couple of days! That is just downright wicked.

The Cup has been in some crazy places...strip clubs, all over the world, swimming pools, and a bunch of other stuff I'm sure. It's been damaged a few times because it was dropped. And just about everything has been drunk from the Cup as well.

I AM going to bed early tonight. It's 10:00 pm and I should be under the covers by 10:30
Good night.

p.s. My neighbours are still PISSING ME OFF!!!

The weekend was a blast. It's Monday afternoon (I've been falling asleep at work for the past hour or so but I feel a lot better now). It's always the case after lunch...gotta work on doing something differently. Just not sure what. It's not like I am eating huge lunches or anything. I think it all comes down to the fact that I am not getting enough sleep at night. Every night, it's like 9:00 pm and I'll say...okay - Tonight, it's time for bed at 10:30. 10:30 pm rolls around and then the tune changes - okay, how about 11:00. This basically keeps going until about 12:00 or 12:30 most days which isn't good cause I get up at about 6:30 so I am only getting about 6 - 6.5 hours of sleep per night. Definitely not enough. But there just isn't enough time in the day. That's just it.

Okay, enough about that. On to the good stuff. The weekend was fantastic. It all started with a great run on Friday afternoon. Went for about 40 minutes but it was pretty significant. I definitely need new running shoes though - I'll get those soon. Friday night, just chilled and went to bed early cause I had to wake up early on Saturday morning. I had my first dragonboat races of the season on Saturday in Pickering. Our team didn't do that well but it was our first race weekend of the year so we were kind of rusty. We definitely didn't have the intensity needed to win so I'm looking for better results in the future races. The day was a lot of fun though - I forgot how cool it is to be at a dragonboat festival. All the craziness surrounding the start of a race when you are sitting out there in complete silence in your boat. The only noises are those of the starter yelling for a particular lane to back it up or move forward so that everyone is lined up along the start line. Then...."Your attention please....BANG!" And you're off. The day is great too cause you just walk around and see all sorts of peeps everywhere. There are so many good looking people in this sport too - and they are all fit so that is super cool too.

At night, I got home and washed up cause my parents had company over for dinner. A gentlemen that my dad lived with in St. John's, Newfoundland (when he first moved to Canada) in 1967 came to visit along with his wife. His two sons live in Toronto so they came up for dinner as well. Also, more of my dad and his friend's roommates came too so there was this mini reunion of sorts. It was cool cause they were all sharing stories about the crazy parties they used to have and the fun they used to get themselves into. Tonnes of great stories - those must have been some fun times. I totally wanna get my own place now! Dinner was incredible as usual cause my mom is the bomb! After dinner, went to the Tequila Lounge to watch the one and only Jugular perform. It was a different show from what I've normally seen him do. I liked it but there were parts that I wasn't as keen. To me (I guess cause he is my buddy), it seemed that at times he was just like a prop on stage. The fans were just there to hear some guy make funky noises with his mouth. They weren't there to actualy appreciate the music. He told me though that it's tough cause beatboxing can only get you so far. There is so much more to music then making some beats and that is what he wants to find (potentially through other mediums or other decisions). This other guy on the lineup was a guy named Subliminal and he was pretty awesome too. That was the first live beatboxer I've seen other than Jugular...was an interesting contrast. After the show, I went with G to Fez Batik to meet up with Samp, KB and Sherry. We had a good night dancing up a storm but it was just way too rammed inside. Apparently Indian Motorcycle Club had some private party thing on Saturday night and all the regulars didn't get in there so they decided to go to Fez instead. As a result, Fez was packed and there were SO MANY brown people - just like a Revolution or Fed jam in Waterloo. The thing about big crowds of brown people at clubs is that they all bring their attitude and associated other crap as well. There is invariably at least one fight (usually more though). Wasn't a normal Fez night as a result. But the music was still pretty good.

On the drive home, G and I agreed that we don't really know our own city that well. I remember last year - Tchao said he was going to read the Lonely Planet Toronto and see what it has to say. I think that is a great idea and I am definitely going to check that out soon. I wanna explore all the cool parts of this city cause there are so many awesome neighbourhoods to check out. Put that on the already enormous list of things to do this summer.

Sunday - I woke up late only to find that my parents had taken my car (and as a result the rollerblades in the back). I had a huge game of roller hockey planned for Sunday afternoon so immediately panic mode set in. Eventually, I tracked down a set of blades from Kdot so that was good. We ended up having about 13 guys for the game which was often. Two goalies. Full equipment. 11 skaters. All in awesome time and we are totally going to try and make this a regular occurance. A lot of us were in rough shape by the end, keeled over heavily panting but it was definitely a great workout.

At night, Ankita (my niece) came over. I've said it many times but I'll say it again. She is the coolest kid ever. A friend of mine wrote to me one day answering one of those surveys. The question was "What is the best sound in the world (or something to that effect)" She replied with the sound of children laughing (she's a teacher). I never really understood that until last night cause when Ankita was laughing before, during and after dinner - it sounded so wonderful and innocent. It was awesome. She is such a smart kid and totally understands stuff after you explain it the first time through. I hate that she might be moving in a year or so cause her dad got a transfer of jobs to the States. That really blows.

Well, it's time for bed...tomorrow I've got plenty to write about the Stanley Cup. I'll save that for another day.

Thursday, June 05, 2003

i have so much to say...

SRAS (en francais):
as you know, i was in montreal for a few days. i got pretty sick on monday morning (cough, cold, sore throat etc). throughout the course of the day, i was feeling worse and worse. after the company dinner, went back to my hotel room, watched the ducks win in OT and then zonked out for the night. woke up tuesday morning feeling worse and had a fever. was getting kind of freaked out. slept for a few more hours. got up, fever was subsiding, cold symptoms were going away and i was feeling better. got ready and went back to the conference. at the end of the day, got back to my hotel room and my fever was bad again. zonked out again cause i was so tired. popped a bunch of tylenols and cough medicine. woke up wednesday morning feeling a lot better. no more chills. no more sweats. hardly any coughs. called the SARS hotline on wednesday morning and the nurse was asking me a bunch of questions...the first of which was if i was having any respiratory difficulties. i said no, answered the rest of the questions. got ready and went back to the final day of the conference. she said i would be fine to fly home that night. after the conference, i met my cousin and went to a salvadorian restaurant for dinner. got an upset stomach cause of the food so the night didn't end well. with respect to SARS - i must is really interesting how our minds work. i totally freaked myself out because of what the media and everyone around us says. also, every day at the conference (which was attended by about 3000 people from around the world), we would get people coming to our booth and when they found out me or a colleague was from toronto, they would take a step back or make some SARS reference. it got really annoying but it just speaks to the perception out there. i was questioning my every move...who have i come in contact with? it's pretty scary when you think of all the people that you come in contact with in a given day that are sneezing, coughing, breathing heavily, etc. kinda like that scene in outbreak when that guy in the movie theatre starts coughing and you see the germs going everywhere. definitely made for an interesting couple of days...

Random People:
I was on the plane home last night and got to talking to the girl beside me. We ended up chatting the whole flight home. She's really cool...into a lot of the same things I'm into as well which made for a great conversation. I think we're about the same age and it turns out that we have a friend in common as well so that was interesting. I really like how this world is so small and we can go anywhere and meet anyone. This girl (HM) grew up on a farm in calgary. now, we were sitting on the same flight together from montreal - toronto just shooting the $hit. weirder things have happened as well like running into three independent people i know from toronto in central park on canada day 2000 or running into a girl from waterloo shopping in bombay or the infamous wandering into tchao on the crowded streets of bangkok last year.

All went wrong today:
I got balled out over e-mail by one of my co-workers today cause I was trying to help out. In my helping...I may have stepped over the boundaries of my job title a bit but all in all, it was for the better of the team. Getting reamed out by someone is never cool and when it's over something really insignificant, it sucks even more. It just made me feel like $hit for the rest of the day...that really sucked the most. I replied to him and apoligized (which was necessary) but I must say that the whole situation just stinks. It really further makes me disenchated with the corporate world. This seems to become more of a trend day by day. Something has gotta give soon. Today marked a full week of me not working out (since last Friday). And, in that time of no activity, I have managed to eat too much (especially while on the road) so I think that I've put back on all the weight I had allegedly lost over the past month. Man, that really SUCKS. The gains were coming...taking a bit of time but I was noticing them. Now, it's back to square one so that just ain't cool. On the way to work this morning as well, everyone possible traffic stall that could have happened did. Whether it was dumbass drivers or construction - damn that started the day out smoothly. Also, our phone line and high speed internet weren't working yesterday and today so I was on the phone with Bell trying to get a technician to come in and help us. It's really funny to see how call centre people try to confuse the hell out of customers by saying variations of the same thing 5 different ways. In the end, I got what we wanted so that's all that matters. Now I just have to call Telus to straighten out my voicemail and other features because that still hasn't been resolved (those punks never called me back).

What the hell do you do when your neighbours play their music TOO LOUD. It isn't that big an issue for me...most nights. But, it is really getting on my parents nerves. For about 3 years this has been going on but up until about a month ago, my parents would put up with it and every so often, my dad would either call or walk over and ask them to turn it down. They usually complied and all was good. However a month ago, the story changes. The neighbours didn't comply after 2 separate attempts to ask them to turn it down. It was 2:30 in the morning. My mom was sick and my parents were leaving the next morning at 7:00 to drive to Ottawa. They didn't know what to do so they called the police. The police came and got the music turned off. But, every since that day - there is just bad blood between the two houses. The music is loud at all hours of the day now. On the weekend, it was playing solidly from 8:00 am until like 1:00 am or something like that. Today, from 11:00 am until now (it's 9:30 pm). When I got home from Montreal last night, I could hear it (until 2:00 am). It's just too damn much and there ain't nothing we can do. Don't get me wrong either. I like to hear loud music every now and then too but damn, I just can't deal with it much more. It's hurting me the most to see my parents upset. They are to the point where they just don't know what to do either. So, I'm not sure how this will be resolved. Will just have to wait and see I guess...Any suggestions? Let me know.

This weekend:
Saturday, I have a Dragonboat race all day in Pickering so that should be good. Hopefully, I'll be in good enough shape to do a good job in that race. I'm missing the next and more important one though in Ottawa so taht kinda sucks. Then, Saturday night - it's off to the Tequila Lounge for around 11:00 pm to see the one and only Jugular live in concert yet again. So, if any of you can make it - come and check it out...

Time to bid adieu. It's been a slice. Later...

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

hey's been a fun few days in montreal but i did get sick. i feel much better this morning but the last 2 days have not been so good. i was definitely feeling really crappy earlier this week. hung out with kdot and raq last night. had a really fun time walking around Vieux Port de Montreal. Had a great dinner (salmon lasagna...mmmm)

it's off to the last day of the conference now. gotta finish packing and check out of the hotel as well...
will write more tonight when i get home.

Monday, June 02, 2003

Monday morning. Sitting in my hotel room in Montreal. Woke up about an hour ago...I'm showered, shaved and ready to go. Just checking my e-mail before I take off for the conference. It is a beautfiul day in Montreal and the first day of the conference yesterday went well. I may still not be sold on this whole "corporate world" idea but, I am did have an enjoyable time at the conference yesterday cause I was talking to a lot of customers and spreading whatever info I do know. It felt good to be able to answer their I actually knew what I was talking about. I guess it's that whole sense of belonging that we desire. When someone asks us a question - if we can give them an answer, and hopefully a favourable one...than we feel good about ourselves.

Last night, after dinner with some colleagues - I met up with Miranda, Linda, Tai, Vicky and some other peeps for drinks at chilling at this place called the Gogo lounge. I had a really good time and it was neat to meet all those new people. Tai and I were the only guys with 9 girls and I must is a cool experience to be chilling at a lounge with 9 really attractive and fun girls. That made for a great evening. Got to bed late last night and woke up this morning with a bit of a cold...hopefully it passes.

Off to work now...

Sunday, June 01, 2003

i bailed on cristine's fundraiser for her dragonboat team tonight at chocolate lounge. kinda wish i had gone but i don't think i would have been that fun to be honest. i was pretty tired all day and just felt like chilling out tonight and not doing much of anything. sorry cris! hope you guys had a good time. did see kdot and raq and hung with them for a bit after picking up clothes downtown. had some really good calamari tonight so that was nice. the ducks won in OT so that was also good. i just finished packing for montreal so now, it's time for bed...hope i didn't forget anything. also, i gotta figure out how to check my e-mail through the net while i'm gone. if you how to do it through sympatico, let me know.

i was listening to the new black eyed peas song called where is the love (featuring justin timberlake). the lyrics are they is:

Artist: Black Eyed Peas f/ Justin Timberlake
Song: "Where Is The Love "

What's wrong with the world, mam
People livin' like they ain't got no mamas
I think the whole world addicted to the drama
Only attracted to things that'll bring you trauma
Overseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism
But we still got terrorists here livin'
In the USA, the big CIA
The Bloods and The Crips and the KKK
But if you only have love for your own race
Then you only leave space to discriminate
And to discriminate only generates hate
And when you hate then you're bound to get irate, yeah
Badness is what you demonstrate
And that's exactly how anger works and operates
N**, you gotta have love just to set it straight
Take control of your mind and meditate
Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all, y'all

People killin', people dyin'
Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach
And would you turn the other cheek

Father, Father, Father help us
Send us some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love (Love)

Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love
The love, the love

It just ain't the same, always unchanged
New days are strange, is the world insane
If love and peace is so strong
Why are there pieces of love that don't belong
Nations droppin' bombs
Chemical gasses fillin' lungs of little ones
With the ongoin' sufferin' as the youth die young
So ask yourself is the lovin' really gone
So I could ask myself really what is goin' wrong
In this world that we livin' in people keep on givin' in
Makin' wrong decisions, only visions of them dividends
Not respectin' each other, deny thy brother
A war is goin' on but the reason's undercover
The truth is kept secret, it's swept under the rug
If you never know truth then you never know love
Where's the love, y'all, come on (I don't know)
Where's the truth, y'all, come on (I don't know)
Where's the love, y'all

People killin', people dyin'
Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach
And would you turn the other cheek

Father, Father, Father help us
Send us some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love (Love)

Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love
The love, the love

I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder
As I'm gettin' older, y'all, people gets colder
Most of us only care about money makin'
Selfishness got us followin' our own direction
Wrong information always shown by the media
Negative images is the main criteria
Infecting the young minds faster than bacteria
Kids act like what they see in the cinema
Yo', whatever happened to the values of humanity
Whatever happened to the fairness in equality
Instead in spreading love we spreading animosity
Lack of understanding, leading lives away from unity
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' under
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' down
There's no wonder why sometimes I'm feelin' under
Gotta keep my faith alive to lovers bound

People killin', people dyin'
Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach
And would you turn the other cheek

Father, Father, Father help us
Send us some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love (Love)

Where is the love (The love)