Tuesday, June 10, 2003

The weekend was a blast. It's Monday afternoon (I've been falling asleep at work for the past hour or so but I feel a lot better now). It's always the case after lunch...gotta work on doing something differently. Just not sure what. It's not like I am eating huge lunches or anything. I think it all comes down to the fact that I am not getting enough sleep at night. Every night, it's like 9:00 pm and I'll say...okay - Tonight, it's time for bed at 10:30. 10:30 pm rolls around and then the tune changes - okay, how about 11:00. This basically keeps going until about 12:00 or 12:30 most days which isn't good cause I get up at about 6:30 so I am only getting about 6 - 6.5 hours of sleep per night. Definitely not enough. But there just isn't enough time in the day. That's just it.

Okay, enough about that. On to the good stuff. The weekend was fantastic. It all started with a great run on Friday afternoon. Went for about 40 minutes but it was pretty significant. I definitely need new running shoes though - I'll get those soon. Friday night, just chilled and went to bed early cause I had to wake up early on Saturday morning. I had my first dragonboat races of the season on Saturday in Pickering. Our team didn't do that well but it was our first race weekend of the year so we were kind of rusty. We definitely didn't have the intensity needed to win so I'm looking for better results in the future races. The day was a lot of fun though - I forgot how cool it is to be at a dragonboat festival. All the craziness surrounding the start of a race when you are sitting out there in complete silence in your boat. The only noises are those of the starter yelling for a particular lane to back it up or move forward so that everyone is lined up along the start line. Then...."Your attention please....BANG!" And you're off. The day is great too cause you just walk around and see all sorts of peeps everywhere. There are so many good looking people in this sport too - and they are all fit so that is super cool too.

At night, I got home and washed up cause my parents had company over for dinner. A gentlemen that my dad lived with in St. John's, Newfoundland (when he first moved to Canada) in 1967 came to visit along with his wife. His two sons live in Toronto so they came up for dinner as well. Also, more of my dad and his friend's roommates came too so there was this mini reunion of sorts. It was cool cause they were all sharing stories about the crazy parties they used to have and the fun they used to get themselves into. Tonnes of great stories - those must have been some fun times. I totally wanna get my own place now! Dinner was incredible as usual cause my mom is the bomb! After dinner, went to the Tequila Lounge to watch the one and only Jugular perform. It was a different show from what I've normally seen him do. I liked it but there were parts that I wasn't as keen. To me (I guess cause he is my buddy), it seemed that at times he was just like a prop on stage. The fans were just there to hear some guy make funky noises with his mouth. They weren't there to actualy appreciate the music. He told me though that it's tough cause beatboxing can only get you so far. There is so much more to music then making some beats and that is what he wants to find (potentially through other mediums or other decisions). This other guy on the lineup was a guy named Subliminal and he was pretty awesome too. That was the first live beatboxer I've seen other than Jugular...was an interesting contrast. After the show, I went with G to Fez Batik to meet up with Samp, KB and Sherry. We had a good night dancing up a storm but it was just way too rammed inside. Apparently Indian Motorcycle Club had some private party thing on Saturday night and all the regulars didn't get in there so they decided to go to Fez instead. As a result, Fez was packed and there were SO MANY brown people - just like a Revolution or Fed jam in Waterloo. The thing about big crowds of brown people at clubs is that they all bring their attitude and associated other crap as well. There is invariably at least one fight (usually more though). Wasn't a normal Fez night as a result. But the music was still pretty good.

On the drive home, G and I agreed that we don't really know our own city that well. I remember last year - Tchao said he was going to read the Lonely Planet Toronto and see what it has to say. I think that is a great idea and I am definitely going to check that out soon. I wanna explore all the cool parts of this city cause there are so many awesome neighbourhoods to check out. Put that on the already enormous list of things to do this summer.

Sunday - I woke up late only to find that my parents had taken my car (and as a result the rollerblades in the back). I had a huge game of roller hockey planned for Sunday afternoon so immediately panic mode set in. Eventually, I tracked down a set of blades from Kdot so that was good. We ended up having about 13 guys for the game which was often. Two goalies. Full equipment. 11 skaters. All in all...an awesome time and we are totally going to try and make this a regular occurance. A lot of us were in rough shape by the end, keeled over heavily panting but it was definitely a great workout.

At night, Ankita (my niece) came over. I've said it many times but I'll say it again. She is the coolest kid ever. A friend of mine wrote to me one day answering one of those surveys. The question was "What is the best sound in the world (or something to that effect)" She replied with the sound of children laughing (she's a teacher). I never really understood that until last night cause when Ankita was laughing before, during and after dinner - it sounded so wonderful and innocent. It was awesome. She is such a smart kid and totally understands stuff after you explain it the first time through. I hate that she might be moving in a year or so cause her dad got a transfer of jobs to the States. That really blows.

Well, it's time for bed...tomorrow I've got plenty to write about the Stanley Cup. I'll save that for another day.

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