Tuesday, June 17, 2003

what's up ladies and gentlemen? sorry it's been a while since my last blog. i am in new york. spent the weekend in manhattan and had a blast. since sunday night, i've been about an hour north of the city at a course for work. so far, the work has been pretty all right but the nights will be late as the days go on. one cool thing is that the food is fantastic and there are these kitchenettes on each floor that have all sorts of food to munch on whenever you want. all sorts of awesome snacks, sandwiches, salads, drinks AND haganndaaz. oh yeah!!!

so, NYC....it was awesome. absolutely awesome. i was staying in the Portland Square Hotel (kind of like a really crappy old skool dorm room. but like the say in real estate...it's all about location location location. that said, we were a block away from times square. so that made for an awesome time. friday night...when i arrived in NYC - i watched the Nets-Spurs game 5 on the big screens in Times Square. that was really cool. watching a game outside just chilling with other ball fans while thousands of people walked by on their way to and out of shows... i must say...NYC street dogs SUCK. they aren't bbq-ed. they are just sitting in a pool of luke warm hot dog water. the guy pulls one out...puts it on an untoasted bun with some condiments and bam, you're done. milwaukee - the same. boston red hots? crap as well. chicago...marginally good. but no one compares to Toronto Street Meat. they are absolutely the best. i definitely don't choose to eat them all the time but i must say that every now and then, the smell of one of those is just overwhelming...you can't say no.

i'm pretty tired right now so it's off to bed. so much to say. so little time...
hopefully more tomorrow.

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