Monday, June 30, 2003

The weekend at Kevin's place was awesome. It is always so much fun to hang out with your posse and have a great time. And it's cool when you meet new peeps as well so that was fun. today was pretty chill as i worked from home and set up some appointments for later in the week. I finally got a new cell phone!!! It's the < a href="" target="_blank">Samsung A520 - This review actually isn't too hot. I did get upsold on this phone by the guy in the store who claims that reception on the phone is awesome. I'll have to read more reviews and potentially change my decision cause when I'm driving in butt phuck nowhere for my job, I have to get reception in either digital or analoug. I guess you'll have to stay tuned and I'll let you know if I keep the phone... It has a colour display which is kind of cool. I know, I know. I splurged. But, all of those calls I made to Telus over the past few months finally paid off cause in all the bill credits and contract offers that I received - I pretty much got this $400 phone for $50. Can't beat that right? Hopefully not Wrong!

I am playing golf tomorrow morning with G - should be fun. Let's see how my lessons are paying off. Will be interesting to test my game out. I still need to purchase a fairway wood though and a 3-wood or 5-wood cause hitting my driver off every tee just ain't gonna cut it. I caught up with Karen tonight after a long time. It was great chatting with you Karen and I look forward to seeing you again (some time soon). I can't believe it's been a year since we last saw each other in person and since we were in Asia (longer than a year actually).

Tonight, I was watching "Cooking School Stories" and "Open for Business" - two shows on Food TV about people struggling through culinary school and the trials and tribulations of opening a restaurant. Both were really interesting and eye opening. It's funny cause whenever I share with anyone my aspirations of owning my own restaurant and being a chef - instinctively...they say "You know, that is really hard work!" I bet it is super hard but then I think that if it's something you really wanna do and that you are passinoate about - then it doesn't matter how hard it is cause you will just wanna do it well and continually improve yourself. I suppose I could strive towards that and hopefully end up okay. I think that is a reasonable outcome as long as it's something you wanna do and not something you are doing because it makes others happy, or cause it makes ends meet or cause you are lazy. My thinking tells me that you HAVE to be into what YOU DO. Otherwise, there is no sense or need to wake up every morning in order to do THAT thing you are doing. Was all that confusing? I think it probably was but I'm not gonna proofread it to correct it.

Suhas, my cousin/brother is getting his Canadian citizenship tomorrow at Centennial Park in Toronto at 11:00 am. It should be a really cool ceremony and I'm totally looking forward to it. Can't wait to see him take the oath and can't wait to hear the national anthem (it's been a long time since I heard it!)


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