Monday, June 02, 2003

Monday morning. Sitting in my hotel room in Montreal. Woke up about an hour ago...I'm showered, shaved and ready to go. Just checking my e-mail before I take off for the conference. It is a beautfiul day in Montreal and the first day of the conference yesterday went well. I may still not be sold on this whole "corporate world" idea but, I am did have an enjoyable time at the conference yesterday cause I was talking to a lot of customers and spreading whatever info I do know. It felt good to be able to answer their I actually knew what I was talking about. I guess it's that whole sense of belonging that we desire. When someone asks us a question - if we can give them an answer, and hopefully a favourable one...than we feel good about ourselves.

Last night, after dinner with some colleagues - I met up with Miranda, Linda, Tai, Vicky and some other peeps for drinks at chilling at this place called the Gogo lounge. I had a really good time and it was neat to meet all those new people. Tai and I were the only guys with 9 girls and I must is a cool experience to be chilling at a lounge with 9 really attractive and fun girls. That made for a great evening. Got to bed late last night and woke up this morning with a bit of a cold...hopefully it passes.

Off to work now...

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