Friday, June 20, 2003

Sup folks. Back in the Tdot tonight. Got back around 8:00 cause I caught an earlier flight out of NYC which was nice. I am so tired right now though. This week at the training course was so grueling. Every day started at 8 and we were in classes and working on our case study until about 2 every morning. And then last night, to top it off...I didn't sleep until 5:15 and I got up at 6:00. So, I got 45 minutes in sleep last night. The major presentation that I was preparing for today went amazing. I haven't felt so good about a successful presentation for years. All that practice does pay off I guess...

Off to bed now. Will give you more updates soon. Neighbour just turned up his music loud. What an Ass!!!
I better fall asleep.

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