Sunday, June 29, 2003

Evening folks...I am sitting in my buddy Kevin's kitchen right now here in Ottawa - the Nation's Capital. I'm up here with a bunch of friends and we had an excellent day white water rafting on the Ottawa river. We hit some amazing rapids throughout the day and had some good laughs and adventures. I thought the rapids were going to be more "rapid" though. By that I mean - I thought they would come one after another and there wouldn't be as much downtime to just chill out in the river. But, there definitely was a lot of chillin' time where we could swim in the water, let the current move us and hang...

Interesting fact I just heard among conversations in the kitchen - after cutting garlic, when your hands smell - just go ahead and rub your fingers on the inside of the sink. Apperantly, your hands won't stink after. And Flo - it's AFTER you cut the garlic...not before.

Time to go to bed I think. Night folks...

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