Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Just saw Mike Myers given his star on the Canadian Walk fo Fame. His acceptance speech was absolutely fantastic. He is such an amazing person. What a great role model. During his speach, he said something to the effect of..."you can describe me as an actor, you can describe me as a writer, you can describe me as a comedian but unless you describe me as a Canadian - it is not correct." It'a amazing cause he is such a proud Canadian, proud Torontonian and proud Scarberian. In fact, he even had a street named after him (Mike Myers Blvd) here in Scarborough. Tchao put it wonderfully in a previous blog after Mike was on the Tonight Show when he said that Mike Myers oozes Canada. One last thing - if you can see his acceptance speech from tonight - go and watch it cause it was absolutely hilarious. Two parts in particular were great - the first was when he dropped his awarrd and it broke and the second was how he constantly got on Scotty Bowman's case to help the Leafs win a Stanley Cup. I don't wanna write about anything else tonight cause Mike is so fantastic...he deserves 100% of the spotlight.

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