Tuesday, June 24, 2003

I haven't been blogging as much lately or reading as many blogs lately. I've gotta get back on the bandwagon...Tchao, Tai, Karen, Kev, Chooey, Sparks, Malloy - ya'll got some good stuff to say - I just gots to keep up and read it. Tonight, went to Rocky Mountain High with Flo, Cris, Tchao and Dan. It was fun to just chill out but now I am tired and have to go to bed. Get to sit through a consultative sales training class with Cris tomorrow - that is going to be so SLOW. By the way, Rocky Mountain High smells nasty. There were various gross odours all over - most notably barf. Not good at all. Had dragonboat practice tonight. It was a pretty easy practice so I didn't get much of a workout at all. I've really gotta get more hard core with my cardio workouts. That fantastic run I did two weeks ago hasn't been duplicated and I've noticed myself getting a bit lazy of late. I still have been pretty goo in terms of watching what I eat though so that's good. This weekend, going to Ottawa with the Udub posse. That should be a lot of fun. We are going White Water Rafting on the Ottawa River on Saturday - I've wanted to do this for so long so I can't wait to finally get a chance. It seems like it will be really challenging so that will be cool. Guess it can't be THAT hardcore though because I'm sure there are a lot of novices out there who don't know how to hold their paddles (not that I'm some genious or anything). Yesterday afternoon, I played baseball with some Waterloo boys. It was a lot of fun to be back out on a baseball diamond cause it's been so long since my days of playing every day for about 10 years. I think I pulled my rotator cuff which kind of sucks cause it feels really aggravated after throwing around that softball yesterday. After ball, Tchao, Kris and I had an amazing bbq with salmon, lamb chops, eggplant, red peppers and mushrooms. Damn, that was a good meal. After dinner we just chilled on the stoop with Aman and it was pure jokes - just causing a ruckus in Kris' simple Mississauga neighbourhood. Then it all changed and went boys in the hood on us. Some little 12 year old kid came up to us on his bike and said something to the effect of "Yo, you guys got any chronic?" We were all so surpised and dumbfounded. Until someone joked: "we're in ph$cking Mississauga you idiot". Overall, it was just so out of the blue and unbelievable.

Changing subjects...I'm still trying to plan my trip to London this summer to visit my brother. Hopefully it works out. I just have to talk to my boss about my vacation schedule and try to book it off sooner rather than later. Also, I am getting my ticket on Aeroplan so availability per day is very sketchy.

If you're an NBA fan - check out this article... Man, if this happened...I would be so happy. Nash in a Raptors jersey would be unbelievable!

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