Tuesday, January 07, 2003

Hey guys,

Who watched Joe Millionaire last night? Man that was funny. Those gold-digging women are really gonna get it in the end...I would really like to see the end of that. Once again, FOX has come up with another winner. Pretty funny actually. The guy has got to be one of the worst actors though...they really gotta work on him. It's a parody of that hit the millionaire but I think that they'll get so many more viewers tuning in for this one. It'll be short (only a few episodes) but man, it's going to be funny.

Just watched Austin Powers in Goldmember - that had some funny movies. I'll say it again though - that opening scene has gotta be some of the best 5 minutes of moving watching ever. All the cameos are absolutely fantastic. Kevin Spacey and Dana Devito are defin

I just got some crappy news so I'm not in the best of moods. Hopefully things will change soon...
Good Night.

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