Wednesday, January 01, 2003

2003 is upon us. This new year brings with it a feeling of success and happiness. I can sense it now. This trip that I recently had with my family to Europe was definitely a very eye-opening couple of weeks. I think that it brought us closer together and going forward, it will be interesting how we all are. On the friends side, I look forward to renewing old friendships and further building existing ones. Living in Milwaukee makes me further away from everyone but it's still not far enough to be an excuse. By no means was 2002 a bad year for me. I got a great job, finished school on a high note, traveled to several countries around the world and even bought a car. All in all, I'ld say that it was pretty awesome. I definitely think though that the last couple of months were a lot harder than the first 10. That being said, I think that I am in a great position now to really kick ass in 2003. I blogged about a month ago saying that I really had to start raising my intensity level at work. I don't think that I have been that succesful as yet but that will change very quickly. I am very determined to succeed and I know what I have to do to get there.

2003 will be a special one. One thing I would love to find is someone special to share it with...

Good luck to you all and have a safe and personally rewarding year.

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