Tuesday, December 31, 2002

The last day of 2002 is upon us. Very very very weird. I am back from Europe...got in last night around 9:00 pm and I leave for Milwaukee tomorrow afternoon. So, I ain't around for too long. Today is all about seeing people and I am going to try my best to see as many as possible. Tonight, going to go to Arthur's party first to see all the Waterloo posse - can't wait for that and then, I am going to end my night at the Marathi posse party to hang out with the childhood gang (it'll be a reunion of sorts too so I'm excited).

Last night, I couldn't sleep so I was watching the Gladiator DVD. It was really weird cause I was lying in my bed in suburbia Scarborough watching Romans fight at the Colleseum - a place I just was about 5 days ago. Very strange feeling to be home but can't wait to see you all...

Happy New Years today.

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