Friday, December 06, 2002

I wrote this Blog about a week ago but didn't get a chance to upload it. Here it is for your viewing pleasure. Updates to come about Chicago tonight. I had a great time...

I am sick. I am sick. I am sick.
I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.

Hopefully, I get better soon cause I've got a full week ahead of me in Chicago at a conference/tradeshow.

Today has been pretty eventful. I helped Ketan move into his new place this morning. He is moving in with his girlfriend, who is really cool. They've got a nice cozy apartment in an old part of Toronto and it's really nicely set up. This afternoon, I went to my favourite Indian
Restaurant in the city, Bombay Bhel, with my parents and a good friend of my brother's from San Francisco, Fiona. It was great to see her cause it's been so long. She is Irish and has this great accent. She's such a lovely person as well. At lunch, Fiona brought her new boyfriend, a brown guy from Toronto. Get this - he represented Canada on the Mens 1988 Field Hockey team that competed at the Summer Olympics in Seoul, Korea. It was pretty cool cause that is the closest I've ever been to an Olympian. Man, if I was really talented at something and got to represent my country...that would be the biggest thing in my life. Speaking of being really good at something, tonight I watched this movie called Bend It Like Beckham. (by the way, don't mind the German site - can't find the English equivalent...the movie is all in English though) It debuted at the Toronto International Film Festival this year and it was a fantastic movie. It's about an Indian girl growing up in the UK who loves David Beckham and only wants to play football all the time. Her parents are traditional Indians who don't think that is a lucrative career and think she is wasting her time. The story unfolds and it is really well done. I am definitely going to watch that again soon. You should all rent this movie - it is brilliant.

Last night, I went to Shmooze (the hottest new club in Toronto, or so I've heard). It was a pretty good place with a ton of people and I went with Eric and the Marathi posse. The observation I made was that everyone there seemed to be having a great time, whether they were dancing, chilling, chatting or drinking. It was great. The only thing that the club needs to put it over the top is a new DJ. I must say - that guy was GARBAGE. No one plays every song for their entire 5 or 6 minutes! You gotta switch them up after like 30 seconds or a minute dude! You gotta keep the crowd guessing, and more
importantly anticipating, the next tunes. That is how you keep the crowd bumpin' all night long.

Gonna start reading the first Harry Potter book tonight. Also, gotta start my Digital Camera research - the self imposed deadline is next Sunday night (the 8th of December)

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