Sunday, December 08, 2002

Just got a great e-mail from Christine this morning and it has totally inspired me. She is a really great person with a big heart and I'm glad that things are going so well for her these days. It's cool to see how things are going well for a lot of my friends of late. All of this always cycles.

I am doing really well these days and just got some things that I want to concentrate more on. Work is one of them. Of late - I have just kind of been floating along but I really wanna start performing well and kicking ass. I want to prove myself while I'm here in Milwaukee cause this is where I can be noticed. I really wanna start applying myself more and being more proactive in my projects. I realize that this sounds like some crap from the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People or something like that but I think that by actually writing (or typing) it and having a concrete record of it - I will be more inclined to actually doing it, as opposed to just saying that I want to do this. I'll let you know how things go.

Last night, went to the Red Room Inn here in Milwaukee. It was kind of a cool place. A pretty small but chilled set up with funky furniture, a well stocked bar and some funky trip hop/acid jazz playing. I get the impression that there are some other cool places like that hidden around this city. The trick is just finding them. We found this one on There are other e-mail distribution lists that I'm becoming a part of such as YPM (Young Professionals of Milwaukee), 501 (some other list that throws parties every Friday night). The idea is to meet people other than work friends. So far - all my friends in this city are from work. They are all cool people but I wanna meet some people outside of the office. I'm sure you understand what I'm talking about.

That entry I had the other day about Chicago definitely was funny. I just re-read it and wow - did that make any sense? Anyway, I did have a great time in Chicago. The conference was great. It was huge - at least about 80,000 people were there over the 6 days. I like the general vibe in the city and want to go back and experience it more. The trick as well is meeting more people. So far I have a friend named Ashley who is studying at Loyola and my buddy Ravin from Waterloo. Ravin will be a good partner in crime so I gots to go back soon and start checking out the scence. Apparently the Funky Buddha Lounge is a chilling place to go and they mix in live percussion (african, indian drums, etc) with hip hop and old skool. Looking forward to checking that out.

It's Sunday. It's beautiful outside. I am gonna get my car washed and do some groceries this morning. I didn't get to bed last night until 5:00 am but I woke up today at 10:00 am as if I was ready to go. That's good though cause I'll get to bed at a decent time tonight and be ready for the week ahead. Enjoy the remainder of your weekends everyone.

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