Tuesday, December 17, 2002

I just watched Sleepless in Seattle tonight and I am currently watching When Harry Met Sally. This has been a Meg Ryan night but it's been really good. These two moveis are great...man i am a sap. But whatever - I really like both of them. The Meg Ryan fake orgasm scene in the diner is absolutely priceless. And Billy Crystal has some fantastic lines about the dynamics between men and women. Rob Reiner is the director of both of these movies and he definitely has two masterpieces. Absolutely perfect date movies! That is for shizzy.

While watching the movies - I had a really good msn conversation with an old friend of mine. Nanda from the Science Centre School. She is one of the coolest, most put together people I know. It was a really great conversation about a ver interesting topic. Isn't it always about relationships? Anyway, I hope that I see her over the holidays. It would be cool to see the rest of the Science Centre posse some time again soon. Roppa, Julie, Bosco, Gus, Luke, Katie, Sylvia, Veronica and the rest of the gang.

Okay - so I just got laughed at by Dave who just got home and saw me watching the end of When Harry Met Sally. I am officially a sap!

Check out the picture on Tchao's site. Look at the top right corner. It's pretty money, eh?

Going to bed now...
Good night

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