Monday, January 13, 2003

I would also like to say hello to Mr. Key - your site looks great man and I love some of the mouseovers, etc that you've incorporated. Also, K, are you training for a marathon? That is awesome dude - you gotta keep that up. I think that I would love to do something like that. I think I might start with a half marathon and see where that takes me. You know what - that Harveys in the airport is the only one in Vancouver. I totally see what you've said in your most recent blog about looking at all of your decisions and trying to figure ish out.

It's an interesting script that we all write for ourselves. The hard part at times is continuing to be the author...

I was playing Balderdash with a bunch of friends tonight and I won! In fact, I was kicking ass for most of the game. I don't know how I did it but that was a lot of fun. I wonder how funny that game would be if there were some altered states of mind at work during it.

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