Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Greetings earthlings. I'm sitting in my hotel room in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin (half way between Chicago and Milwaukee). I got here yesterday (Sunday the 6th) and will be here till Wednesday the 8th. I am here for new prodruct training and the entire Americas team is here so I am meeting some new people and also getting the chance to interact a lot with the Canadian team.

I flew here on Friday night. Stayed in Madison, WI on Friday night and hung out with my boys Tim and Ray. Ray just got a new house in Madison and damn, it is HUGE. We went out for nice Laosian-Thai food and then met up with other peeps and went to Madison Masala for a lot of drinking and smoking hookah. It was a great evening. :o) We ended up at another bar and didn't get back to Ray's till quite late.

On Saturday, we woke up quite late at Ray's place and just lazed around. Watched A Man Apart that morning and I must say that as far as druf movies go, I definitely thought Traffic was much better. A Man Apart had it's moments but it wasn't fantastico by any means. Saturday afternoon, I went back to Milwaukee with Tim and we watched the Cubs-Braves game. The game was SSSOOOO long and part way through, we decided to go for a work out. Got back and the game was still on - that was crazy. Anyway, the Cubs lost...more on that later.

At night - we went to Dancing Ganesha. It's an Indian fusion restaurant in Milwaukee and has received decent reviews. We had a group of 17 people and I wanted to find a place that could accomodate us and that had decent reviews. When I made the reservation, I spoke with the cook/owner named Usha and she was excited that I was coming in for dinner. We got there just before 8:30 for our reservation. We didn't actually start until close to 10:00 pm and we didn't leave until after 12:00 am so that wasn't so great. The service was so horrible too and one of the waitresses we had was a horrible b-yatch. They were out of so much food. They were late in bringing stuff (even though we were the only party left in the resaturant). They also messed up our drink orders several times. At the end of the night, we got the bill and there was an automatic 20% gratuity added because we were a party of more than 8 peeps. We all couldn't believe that it was 20 freaking % with the crap service that we received. Spoke with the manager again and explained to her the situation. She said that the 20% is "suggested" so we suggested not to leave it. We still left abour a 10% tip so I still think like we shouldn't have. And guess what...at the end of the night, after we explained what was happening to the waitresses, the b-yatch had the gall to say "you should be ashamed at yourselves for this tip" to Dave and I. Can you believe that? What a stupid and bitter person.

More stories for you from the road...will continue tomorrow.
Good Night

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