Wednesday, October 22, 2003

So much has been happening of late that I don't even know where to start. I've wanted to post a few things over the past few days but couldn't find the time on a few instances and then couldn't find the words on a few other.

The most important thing right now is the story of Cecilia Zhang , the 9 year old Toronto girl that seems to have been abducted from her bedroom while she was sleeping sometime last Sunday night. I really can't believe that this has happened and I am quite shocked. I drove past the neighbourhood where it happened yesterday (it's only about 10 minutes away) and I saw a bunch of cops (in cars, walking and on horses). Everyone is looking everywhere for her but my worries are that she is long gone. It's been almost 72 hours since she went missing and in that time, her kidnapper could have taken her anywhere... As the case goes on and there is more and more info available, it is starting to seem like this might be a ransom related abduction. Some are even speculating that the kidnapper is known by the family. We'll have to see what happens. All I can say at this time is that my heart goes out to the Zhang family - I can't imagine what her parents and grandparents are thinking and what must be going through their heads. It must be absolute fear.

What absolutely amazes me is how society just moves on despite things like this happens. We continue to go about our daily routines with work and other crap. I am just as much a culprit in this dirty world that I am painting and I'm not sure what I can do about it. I have continued working, making plans with friends, etc. At times, I sit back and contemplate how she must be feeling or what her parents are thinking about. But then, reality sets in and I have to get back to my committments.

I have actually been thinking about all those committments of late and really trying to prioritize and understand what is the most important thing for me. I think one thing that I really want to understand more of is my own culture. That starts with language and religion. I don't by any means call myself religious but I would like to understand what being a Hindu means and what Hindus stand for and believe (I know bits and pieces but want to take the time to really know it). I also really want to become fluent in Marathi. It's my native language and I would really like to hold a conversation with anyone in Marathi (with a proper accent as well). To do these things effectively - I think I'm going to have to live in India for 6 months to a year. Not sure when that is going to happen but I really hope it plays into my cards somehow as I think it will be an excellent experience.

The Europe/Asia/Australia thing is still definitely on my mind...just not sure of the timing there and how it will play out. I've definitely got time on my hands right now and every day ahead of me. I just have to put in my time for a little bit and set a good base. Then, I can become a little more risk-taking and make things happen the way I want them to.

This past weekend with my brother visiting was nice. Unfortunately, the four of us (my brother, me and my parents) didn't have that much time to really spend together (other than at dinner). It was good to catch up with him and I know that there are definitely plenty of lifestyle choices and preferences that he and I share which is good cause he can relate at times (especially things related to travelling and meeting new people/new cultures.

I'm off to Milwaukee next week for graduation so then, I'll be a full-fledged business man. Not sure what that means...but let's see how I do.

Today has been a fat day. I went for a run yesterday and it was good. Gonna go again tomorrow morning. The new shoes are pretty nice so far and quite comfortable. I have been pretty good with my work out routine. Gym (for weights) or running almost every other day for the past few weeks. I actually took in the waist on one of my dress pants this weekend (so that was a great ego booster). I am still snacking a bit too much when I work from home so I've gotta keep an eye on that. Overall though, I am doing pretty well so far...

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