Saturday, October 11, 2003

i went to one of the best concerts i've ever been to last was called tabla power and it was such an amazing evening of tabla mastery and talent. i was absolutely in awe basically the whole night. there were 7 performers - each doing tabla solos (with accompanyment on the harmoniaum, flute or other indian instruments). each performer had about 20 minutes to do their thing but most took longer (some 35 and 40). basically...all this added up to a fascinating mix of talent and an excellent evening of music. the show started at 7:30 pm and i didn't leave until 11:30 pm. it was 4 hours of brilliance for only $10. YOU CAN'T BEAT THAT!!! the performers were so varied as well. there were 2 16 year olds, one PHD student, some peeps my age and then a couple older ones. they all had varied upbringings and differences in teaching (as can be heard in their styles) but they were all excellent in their own right. the best part of the evening however...had to be the man himself - one Mr Gurpreet Chana. he was on fire and received a standing ovation at the end of his set. just listening to him was so amazing. words can't describe how much of a presence he had on that stage and the way he made his tablas sing.

it's a beautiful thanksgiving long weekend this weekend. today i was wearing shorts while i was golfing - the weather was so beautiful. tomorrow, i am gofling again so hopefully the weather holds up then as well. and then on monday, i think i'm going to play some roller hockey so that should be sweet too. gotta organize some ish in my life too this weekend so hopefully that will sort itself out.

guess who is &#!@ing playing the music so loud again tonight? what an @$$HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank god i am leaving now to go to ashvin's b-day bash at shmooze and mom/dad are out of town with some friends tonight.

i won't let that ass ruin my mood though. last night's show was inspiring and such an amazing event. may all events be as simple and perfect as that!

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