Thursday, October 16, 2003

I am in London, ON right now at my hotel surfing on a high speed connection. I owe you guys some serious updates cause the last few days (since last weekend) have been great. I am going to give the abbreviated version right now actually...

There was A LOT of eating cause it was thanksgiving weekend. In fact, I went to 2 Thanksgiving dinners. At one, I made the staple Guacamole which turned out to be really good and for the other, I made a smaller serving of guacamole as well as a side dish. I decided to make some sort of a baked dish...but didn't really know where I was going with it. It ended up being a mix of different veggies including yams, eggplant and zuchinni. An interesting combo I know...but check this out: I made a garlic mashed yam as the bottom layer of this dish. Then I put a layer of grated cheese and bread crumbs. Then I put a layer of oven-roasted and seasoned eggplant followed by another layer of cheese and bread crumbs. I then added another layer - this time it was oven-roasted seasoned zuchinni and again a layer of cheese and bread crumbs. I then finished it with a tomato and onion mixture with basil and hot peppers. That served as the sauce on top with one more layer of cheeze and bread crumbs. All in all, it turned out to taste really good and I was quite impressed. One funny comment was that my dad said it was quite mushy so perfect for old people. Next time - I will bread the eggplant and zuchinni and it'll be even better...

I also have been watching A LOT of baseball. Did you guys see the Cubs and that crazy "fan-interference" thing in Game 6? Wow, it must be crappy to be that guy! I really feel bad for him. Anyone who is calling him a fool for doing that and anyone in Chicago that is threatening him is a complete hipocrite because any baseball fan at a game would have done the same thing.

Last weekend, I also played 3 rounds of golf - that's 54 holes! It was pretty good overall and I hit a tonne of awesome shots but I still duffed a lot and am still not that consistent...oh well, it'll take time I guess. I am definitely improving with some of my clubs in particular so I'm happy about that.

This weekend my brother is coming into town for a few days so that'll be cool to chill with him again. We are going to do some shopping and I am finally hopefully gonna buy a snowboard so I'll have some of my very own gear now which is totally cool.

Time for a quick sushi dinner. Then, it's back to my room to work on a presentation and watch the ball game...Game 7 tonight b/w the Yankees and Red Sox. It's Pedro vs. Clemons - should be a dandy!

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