Tuesday, October 28, 2003

I'm heading to Milwaukee tomorrow for the next few days. It's really weird cause in the past 15 months (since I've been in this job), I've been on flights to/from Milwaukee about 10 times I think. Never thought that this would be as much of a destination for me as it has been. Work for the past few days has been quite cool cause I've had the opportunity to make some customer pitches and demo some equipment.

There is a new section in the Tuesday Toronto Star called ID. And today, there was an article entitled Solace in tequila nights. It was an excellent article and definitely made me think about stuff (these are thoughts by the way that I almost always have).

Yesterday, I played basketball with a bunch of guys who I met through my friend Sach. We played at a community centre in West Toronto for abotu 1.5 hours. The game was pretty good. Very very tiring! Man, I thought I was in pretty good shape (running and gyming 3-4 times/week) but after a few runs up/down the court, I was dying (as were the rest of the guys). Overall though, it was great and even better to know that this will be a weekly occurance. Incidentally, I suck at basketball now. I used to be pretty good and had some skills but damn, I can't shoot a jump shot now. What the heck happened??? I have no idea. I hope my game gets better over the next couple of months.

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