Sunday, October 26, 2003

Greetings folks. The weekend is just about over and this coming week (although I'm not really looking forward to it) will probably fly by very quickly. I am in Hamilton doing some product demos tomorrow and Tuesday and then from Wednesday - Saturday, I'll be headed to Milwaukee for my graduation from my training program. So before I know it, it'll be next weekend around this time and I'll be sitting in the same chair in the same room doing the same thing.

Friday night for Kevin's birthday, it was the much-anticipated visit to North 44. Now, I'm no fine dining connaiseur by any means but I think I know what good service, good food and good ambiance should entail. So with that, I must say that I wasn't too impressed with any of those three things. The food was just okay. The appetizer I had was nice - these funky shrimp dumplings (in kind of a hoison sauce I think). The main course was halibut in a coconut, coriander and chili curry cooked in a banana leaf. The fish just didn't taste that good. And dessert was pretty good but the manner in which they brought it out (and charged us all for it unknowingly) was a little tacky. Service was also subpar primarily because for parties of X or more, they automatically add gratuity. So, immediately - they didn't need to work as hard and in my eyes anyway, it showed. Lastly, ambiance - I've been to several other "less chi-chi" restaurants in Toronto that have much better ambiance...better music for one and better lighting. So overall - over $100 for dinner at that place was not worth it.

What was worth it was hanging out with all our buddies. It was excellent to hang with Kevin for his birthday and I especially enjoyed seeing so many people together that I've known for quite a while. I met a few new people so that was nice as well. Overall, the people definitely made the evening. I didn't get to bed till past 5 that was a great evening.

More to write but I've gotta sleep so will have to continue tomorrow.
Good Night all...

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