Wednesday, October 22, 2003

I just caught up on a whole bunch of blogs...pretty much everyone's actually - Tchao, Karen, Ingrid, Luen, Tai, Kevin, Christine, Sparks... It was great to read all your stories after about 2 or 3 weeks. I really gotta keep more up to date.

Couple things definitely stand out:

Etch - great Curling event on Saturday. You did an amazing job organizing and everyone definitely had a great time

Kev - great blog about Steve Bartman. I totally agree with you.

Christine - awesome heartfelt words from a few weeks ago. I guess that's what we're all searching for.

Luen - congrats on the new bike - the Fuel looks awesome dude. Wish I was more into biking cause then I would totally ride with ya. However - we will totally have to snowboard together this winter (I haven't been in 2 seasons...eeek!!!)

Sparks - my fantasy hockey pool is so addicting. I missed the draft as well and got stuck with my pre-ranked some goodies (hossa, alfredsson, lidstrom) but also got some duds (my goalies). Tell me more about Radiohead...seems like I definitely missed out.

Tai - if you ever go for a trip like that again (the one you did on Thanksgiving), I would totally love to come with ya! I really wanna do a hardcore hike/adventure day like that. Would love to help out with setting up anything and just wanna learn that stuff.

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