Thursday, October 02, 2003

It has been such a busy week. I can't wait till it's done. There have been ups and downs as it'll be nice when it's over cause I wanna get past this one. Last Friday night I chilled with Kdot, Ashvin and G - it was the much anticipated Marathi posse reunion. We visited a cool restaurant at Queen and Pape - Spudnuckers or something like that? Played some poker and Halo and really - just chilled out. It was a great time. I love hanging out with those boys and definitely need to do more of it. We were talking of doing a road trip in the near future and that is a definite must. Those are my boys and we don't hang out enough so taking off for a while on a vacation will be great. It might be the maritimes, might be winnipeg, might be the states, but the best thing might just be to hop in the car and go...and let the wind take us where it wants to.

On the weekend, some of the Phun Police posse went up to SSM to visit Bobby for Gimme the Light: More Fire. The 3rd installment in Phun Popo jams up in the Sault. We had a good time but it was just too short a trip. Definitely would have preferred to go up on the Friday night instead of Saturday afternoon. Basically, we were in SSM for about 20 hours in total and the total drive took about 15 hours. The Sault is quite small. As are all the other cities that I drove through in Ontario for work. The more I see those places, the more I realize that I have to live in a pretty big city. I just can't do the small-town thang.

Monday night I went to the Maple Leafs - Canadians game in the company box down in the platinums. We were sitting 5 rows up from the Habs bench - the seats were pretty freakin' amazing. You don't realize how small the ice surface is until you sit that close and see it for yourself. The food and drink was great in the box of course. Last night, I was in Waterloo for the On Campus Info Session. It was quite interesting to speak with the students as I remember being in their position a few years ago. Asking all these questions looking as if they are intelligent and looking like they care. I noticed as well that a lot of the kids looked so nervous so that was interesting.

Sci-Bus Peeps - guess who I ran into last night after the info session? I was at Plantation for coffee with Ruth, Cris and G. And we ran into Joan Sanger! Yep...that's right. Joan is still in Waterloo and it was great to catch up with her. She still remembers most of us from our class and was asking about peeps. She's working on a number of projects right now including some work with Paul Martin. She also was telling us George Dubya stories...what a tool that man is! It's so interesting to listen to Joan speak cause she is the epitome of "proactive" and not worrying about failing. If she wants to do something, she'll just go forward and do it. That is quite an admirable trait.

Tonight, I've been trying to decide who I'm going to vote for tomorrow. After researching each parties site independently tonight, I was looking for comparison sites as well and came across this one. After reading, I think I know which way I am going with my pick. It'll be interesting to see how things shake out for the province. People are saying that a Liberal majority could be detrimental as well.

I am traveling again this weekend. Leave for Milwaukee/Chicago on Friday the 3rd. Gonna hang with Milwaukee posse over the weekend in Madison and Milwaukee which will be a great time. Then, it's off to Lake Geneva (somewhere in between Chicago and Milwaukee) for some product training for 4 days. Will be back on Wednesday night. It'll be nice to go but I must say, I am getting sick of planes, cars, buses and all other modes of transportation!

I am especially hating driving these days. Why you ask? Well, I'll give you the truncated version of the story. Up until Sunday September 28, I thought I was a really good and responsible driver. I got my first ticket that day. It was for speeding. I told myself - okay now you have your warning...never do it again and what did I do??? I got busted this morning again for speeding! That is the only two infractions on my record ever AND ALL IN 3 days! I am so annoyed and know that I am a good driver. I speed when I need to (and when it's dry and nice weather). When it's wet or stormy, I don't go fast. Now. I am forced to drive all cautiously and I hate driving that way cause then, you have no confidence. It's gonna take some time to get back to driving more like normal. I did really need these warnings though cause I was even thinking that I was driving too fast at times. Anyway, I am completely embarrassed cause I got caught not once but twice and the second time I was going even faster. It really sucks! It really does! But, it's a good message to get. It seems that it needs to be drilled home in my head too.

My public service announcement to all of you is: DON'T SPEED. Otherwise stuff like the deaths of 4 high school students in Orillia or the accident of the Hockey players in Atlanta could happen. I feel like I've learned my lesson now so hopefully I can practice what I preach.

Time for bed...gotta go to the polling stations tomorrow!

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