Friday, May 14, 2004

ER is killing me that was quite a season finale. In case some of you are big fans of the show, I won't ruin it right now but man - that was quite an ending. I can't believe I have to wait all summer and into next Fall until I find out what happened. I was thinking about it tonight...this show has really changed in terms of quality over the years. No longer is it a medical show. There is more going on outside the hospital - custody hearings, affairs, love triangles, drive-bys, gang issues, family stuff - it just never ends (only when someone's gotta perform some medicine every now and then). I hope that Neela (Parminder Nagra's) character is back again next year.

Indian Election Results

There will be a new government in India. Today, the current Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee resigned as the early results of the vote came in. It was clear that his party had lost and the Congress party would be taking over (but not by a majority). Sonia Gandhi (the widow of the late Rajiv Gandhi, daughter in law of the late Indira Gandhi and granddaughter in law of the late Nehru). All of those mentioned previously were former Prime Ministers at one point (in the past 60 years). Nehru was the first. Both Rajiv and Indira were assassinated. Based on what I'm reading and what I've heard from my parents, people are skeptical of how Sonia Gandhi will do. Her entire campaign seems to have been focused on the "untouchables". Basically, that is the lowest caste in India - all the homeless, illiterate, famished, etc. By sheer numbers alone - a strategy like that should work (and it did). Many of those people who voted can't read or write so I have my suspicions on how they can actually make a fair (unassisted) decision. We'll have to see how things play out over the next little while...

One more thing

Happy Birthday yesterday Flo! I'm looking forward to chilling old skool styles this weekend in Udub.

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