Sunday, May 30, 2004

What a beautiful weekend

It's Sunday night and as I often - here is the weekend update. I played about 7 hours of Vball in total this weekend. Nearly for 4 hours yesterday and another 3.5 today. All beach. All afternoon at Ashbridges Bay. It was absolutely great. Yesterday I played with complete strangers (we had about 15 people in total) so there was some subbing going on. Today, I played with buddies - some Marathi posse, UW posse and High School posse. There were 12 of us so we had perfect 6 on 6 and it worked out so awesome. Other than the ghetto volleyball net that we were using. I can't wait until next weekend. I hope the weather is even nicer cause I wanna get out again.

I was spiking really well today - much better than I've ever spiked before - it felt so good. Sparks, Tchao and I were a solid team in the last game of 3 on 3. We had some nice bump, set, spike - 3 hit volleyball and it felt great.

Can't wait to get out again soon! Beach Volleyball is my new favourite summer sport.

I am whiped out though and I've got a 4 hour drive to visit a customer tomorrow. I guess that means...time for bed.

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